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Bump Strip spraying/preparation

  Mk5 R32 (ex.182 (Cupped))

Can someone tell me what exactly a good body shop should do to the bump strips etc before they spray them? Do they always need rubbing down?

Cause the body shop im taking my car to, says they use errr. If i can remember correctly, 2k something? etch? i dont have a clue about these things, lol . and 2k primer? and he said there was something else used to get rid of the texture in the bump strips.

Or is he wrong, and they need rubbing down?



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

he will have to clean, rub down, clean primer, rub back a bit, prime rub back a bit, spray colour, rub back a bit, anouther layer of colour, laquer 4 layers of laquer rub back and polish.

he will of meant 2 pack primer and paint.

2K is good stuff - tis what my bumpers was done in.. expensive, but good.. (also called Two Pack)

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy

my m8 has been colour coding his car him self, hes done the spoiler, door handles and is currently doin his bumper strips. he is usin 2K stuff. best thing to do is use filler primer for priming and do about 3-4 coats and rub down between each coat. after the last coat rub it down wiv sum 1500 grit wet and dry. this will get the parts perfectly smooth. then apply ur coats of colour, again rubbin down between coats, and then ur laquer.

dont use 1500 ...too fine.........wet/dry 800 is good enough for sanding any primer......always use a block for sanding (where possible)

any half decent bodyshop would use a plastic primer for bumpers, using 2 pack alone isnt good enough, if the plastic primer is used then a more adheasive & longer lasting finish will be achived & it depends on what kind of finish you want.....if you want a smooth finish then they will need to be rubbed down with 320 ............if your happy with the slightly rough/bubble effect that is on them now...then they just need to be grey scotched,plastic primed & then the final primer.

Malice.......4 layers of lacquer !! you on drugs ??....the guys taking his car to a bodyshop , he aint doing it himself with arsehole tins !! 1-2 coats is sufficent ( 1 coat being the norm ) & if they have to rub the lacquer down after its finished then they A. havent got a very good dust free spray booth ... or B. are a crap bodyshop !.....they should only need to do a bit of nibbing after it has come out of the booth.
  Mk5 R32 (ex.182 (Cupped))

ummm, i think i might of got the wrong idea of what "rubbing" down is then... what is it? lol :p
  Mk5 R32 (ex.182 (Cupped))

lol!!! :eek: no i aint joking. Is rubbing down basically sanding down? If u know what i mean?
  Mk5 R32 (ex.182 (Cupped))

Cause when i said to this body shop about sanding them, the guy said they dont do it, they use 2k something, then some other 2k something, then plastic primer or something or other, lol. Should i insist on sanding/rubbing? :p Sure they arnt talking about some stuff that stops the need for being rubbed?
  Mk5 R32 (ex.182 (Cupped))

Ah, just rang em, they said they will most probably have to cause of the texture. Cheers all :)
