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Burd Turd

Today was going okay for me up until about lunchtime when i went out to my car to go get some food. As i got closer i noticed there was a fecking huge white and black splat right in the middle of my bonnet!
I could hear them laughing at me. Seagulls, circling overhead. What i wouldnt have given for a shotgun right then!

I mean, what the hell do they eat anyway?! Cement?! The size of it you would have thought an Alsatian had crapped on my car! And do you think i could get the bugger to come off?

I soaked in it bug and tar remover and that just about managed to get through the crispy outer shell!

After much careful scrubbing, swearing, and fist shaking, it came off! But has still left a bird crap shaped mark in my poor babys paintwork :(

Help is much needed! :'(
  Renault Clio 2001 1.2
know the feeling, whenever i park under a certain tree outside my girlfriends house, i come out to find my beautiful (always just cleaned) clio, smothered in bird diorrea!
why does it always happen to me!

would a colour renovator such as t-cut colour restorer bring back the shine where the colours slightly gone?
then top it off with polish and wax?
Bird poo???? Is this thread for real, do people on here get shipping forecasts before attempting to drive to the shops???
what you wana do, is chuck bread out for them with bicarbonate of soda on it, then watch them fly then EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  A4 Avant & A3
i'm sure the birds hate me.. they watch me wash my car then crap on it!!! most weekends!!
then i'll wipe it off & the next time i walk past the car it's back again!!!
  106 GTi
Unfortunatley, as your car is black and we did have some sun today it tends to eat in to the laquer and etch quickly. Some Megs Scratch X should sort it. Otherwise it should come out with the PC.
i cant seem to get rid of it. the bonnet is like a week old. my cat dribbled on my last one just after it had been sprayed and that left a mark. its almost like its a poo shaped indent in the paint. if that makes any sense:dead:
Rich said:
Unfortunatley, as your car is black and we did have some sun today it tends to eat in to the laquer and etch quickly. Some Megs Scratch X should sort it. Otherwise it should come out with the PC.

or i could just take a few weeks off work and go round killing every flying shitbox that i see!
  106 GTi
Best get a good cat or a 12 bore!

The new paint will be even softer so mark easier, the crap eats into the laquer and etches leaving the mark. Will need a decent polish to remove the mark.
