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Burpspeed: This is how we roll

  172 Race Car
Tony was driving. Thought he was a bit rude to chop across like that after the first corner, left a gap and Mr Hunter went for it.

that thing is bat s**t fast in a straight line tho
  BMW 330ci sp/ 172Cup
Another awsome production!

There is something inside me that makes me giggle like a child when I see slides like the ones contained in that vid. Paddock Hill clip is the one for me:)


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
0.48 sideways action looks amazing.

Some good driving there and brill video
  182cup & 172 racecar
fantastic driving skills there and a well edited and put together vid :hail:
All Jay's work on the editing side, me no computes.
:hail:Had to hum the Superman tune when Tony's getting dressed.
See you at Llandow;)

good video, but i hope that video is intended for potential sponsors,

coz i didn't see 1 single 'dick sucking/w**ker sign reference' from any one, not a single shot of any empty or full beer tins. nobody trying to empty a wheelie bin into the car, no one pretending the wheel wrench is a gun, nobody with a **** accidently hanging out, no reference to bbq's/poorly cooked burgers and there wasn't even the slightest hint of a shot of the 'token hung over helper'.

you either take this racing too seriously or as i hope, those items were edited out.......
Only serious when the lights go out. We do have fun you know.

Thats brilliant!!
Cheers Timmy

Whos the old bloke in the red & white overalls?

Whoops read as *i don't normally like in car footage*

Did that 106/Saxo nudge you when there was a bang and the music came back in?
Drove up the side of me.

Needed a hammer, some paint and a new mirror
And a tiny tin of filler.

CS was on there as we had a big club meet at Oulton for the race last year. Dan sponsored us for the first 2 seasons to get us going, it was nice to have him on there and it was a great help
Thankyou Colshey Dan.

Tony was driving. Thought he was a bit rude to chop across like that after the first corner, left a gap and Mr Hunter went for it.

that thing is bat s**t fast in a straight line tho
Real rapido that thing, sounded like a wasp in a jar, I could hear him coming.
  182cup & 172 racecar
We'd been wanting to do a vid like this for ages, it's just the thought of trolling through all the footage,(again I thank Jay) and keeping it short so people don't lose interest.

Great choice of music as well, plus some editing, it's not just random you know.
  172 Race Car
Great vid guys, it must have been hard picking the best bits.
I wasn't sure weather to wait until after this weekends race at Silverstone before finishing the video, I had enough footage for the 3mins so went with it.

MarkCup recorded loads at Brands recently so thats fitted in nicely


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Fantastic video guys, love how tail happy that clio is.

makes me want a Phs1 now though, lol
good video, but i hope that video is intended for potential sponsors,

coz i didn't see 1 single 'dick sucking/w**ker sign reference' from any one, not a single shot of any empty or full beer tins. nobody trying to empty a wheelie bin into the car, no one pretending the wheel wrench is a gun, nobody with a **** accidently hanging out, no reference to bbq's/poorly cooked burgers and there wasn't even the slightest hint of a shot of the 'token hung over helper'.

you either take this racing too seriously or as i hope, those items were edited out.......

rest assured, I stealth-bummed Jay at least twice last time we had a workshop session at Tonys.


ClioSport Club Member
Some skills you lads have loved the big slide and then the wheel to wheel moment with the fiesta straight after.


ClioSport Club Member
I wasn't sure weather to wait until after this weekends race at Silverstone before finishing the video, I had enough footage for the 3mins so went with it.

MarkCup recorded loads at Brands recently so thats fitted in nicely

Was a pleasure to be a part of the day, nice to see some of my shots made the final cut. :D
  172 Race Car
Lol, that vid was made up of clips from the last 18 months. Some of the clips (at least 3) are from the rain. It would of been quite boring if id made it with clips that show the car stuck to the track. If you push beyond the limit it will let go.

To be quick a FWD car needs some oversteer in it. Ever watched Btcc. A lot of stuff we race against look from their on board videos to have cronic understeer, safe but not fast.

we have the car very nicely setup now (for us), just a hint of oversteer if you really push it
