Think we must have just missed you Dan, did you bring the family?
Brilliant hospitality again, thanks to Helen and Tony. Hope you got home safely
Well done in race one Tony, where did you finish in race 2?
Wouldn't an Mi16 205 be classed as a non original engine? Can't you just throw a LS engine in yours then Tony
8th overall and 2nd French car. 205 is rapid! Still, did a 1.19, so happy with that.
Not sure, I just seem to have 35mins of your mug looking at the camera.
TRS 3" Orange.
I've got a pair of blue Willans 3 inch 4 point harnesses Jamie?
Well done mate, that's a great time. That 205 must have been a cracker! - nothing like a well sorted 1980's 230 bhp 205 Gti to make you think WTF!
I'm still unsure what series to run in but looks pointless running in this with the likes of your car and this 205. Would I be put in your class as I got a 2.0
Lol, thanks. I thought I had got up the inside politely there, but he just kept turning in on me.My point exactly! (by the way in my day that pass on the imprezza used to be called a nerf in the back) I must say - you are almost as good as me
I don't expect to go out and win but I do want to be competitive. The car will be fairly well developed with the help from some experienced saloon car racers before I enter a full season. Obviously I'm out to be the best I can not win. We will see, but the French car trophy looks to be very fun. I may dip in and out of a few series so I can stay local for first year and get some races under my belt then enter a full season in something. I may do a build/report thread but I'm rubbish at keeping them up to date.
You racing at brands in this tony?