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buy or not

  RS MEG, 182

Hello, need to advise.

Ive just looked at this today, and like in the pictures it looks really smart, but has a few scratches and paint chips all over. If you click on the link, its the 3rd car down

He wants £5990, and will not budge, even with the defects i pointed out. Im not sure about buying it, as it looks to me like a boy racer has owned it. I like the fact its a 1.2 for insurance reasons, but the 17" wheels are silly, and sit about 2mm from the suspension spring bed. Plus the dealer selling the car was a bit ignorant. He said it would of cost around £16000 when new including 172 conversion kit..... hmmmm porky

Whats you opinions, should i buy or stay clear???

  ex Clio 172 owner :(

Insurance will cost you more.

Looks tidy enough.

lol but yeah it is a lot of cash for a 1.2

I prefer it the other way around ie the 5 door Clio with 172 engine/suspension/brakes on here the other day @ £2k
  Yaris Hybrid

I wouldnt touch that rubbish if it was the last car on earth. I wouldnt even give them half that asking price.
  Chocolate Bar™

asking price is about right for the year. i know its likely to be an unpopular decision, but if you look around you can get yourself a pre-reg corsa 1.2 sxi for £5995 and have almost three years on the warranty. they also feel better built than my clio, and also have 80hp.

personally i wouldnt buy that particular example mainly because you stated the dealer is an arse - so why give him your money.

you also dont like the wheels, so need to add £300 to the asking price to buy some new alloys.
  ex Clio 172 owner :(

Middo where can you get one of those?

My lass is after one. In the national press they are an unbelievable £10280. Granted not pre reg but haway!
  Ford F-150 5.4 V8

personally i wouldnt as it looks like a boy racer has had it before you, if anybody is gonna rag a car it should be you!!

But then i havent seen the actual car!! decision is yours!
  Chocolate Bar™

my local dealer (vauxhall) can sort me out for £7995 which includes a years free insurnace and the tomtom300 thing and isnt pre-reg.

the 5995 is quoted from arnold clark winsford. my gf also got a pre-reg 1.4sxi for £7.5k which is a saving of almost 3k off list.
  RS MEG, 182

I thought if i did buy it, it would of been an impulse buy, mainly due to the looks. But after a few months, the lack of power would be annoying. Ive had a 1.2 for two years, so maybe i need something faster anyway.

Always seems a bit misleading quoting insurance group 3 when youre clearly going to have to fork out shedloads for the mods.

Either that or another car on the roads with an invalid insurance policy :cry:
If you have a 1.2 at the moment I would think youd be better off with a Mk1 172 for the same money TBH.

[Edited by Timmy! on 06 August 2005 at 11:35pm]

Quote: Originally posted by rob_willow on 06 August 2005
How much could would it cost to convert a standard 1.2 16v clio to that spec shown in the advert?

To get a 172 conversion your looking at about £1.5k for parts an the same again to fit it,
However that includes suspnsion and brakes.
Easy to see if i a 172 just open the bonnet my moneys on it not being a 172 in there.

from a very wise man on my local cruise site.

i wouldnt buy any small engined car from a suspected boy racers as to get any sort of speed out of it the car will have been thrashed,

the ironic thing is that a higher power car is less likly to have been thrashed because boy racer cant afford the fuel to trhash it all the time.


  Shiny red R32

Quote: Originally posted by rob_willow on 06 August 2005

Hello, need to advise.

Ive just looked at this today, and like in the pictures it looks really smart, but has a few scratches and paint chips all over. If you click on the link, its the 3rd car down


That place must be not far from my Aunt in Mainway, Alkrington and my cousin in Manchester New Road just along from Mainway!!!!
