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Buying an Old Car back...

  R14 CUP

I am looking at buying my old 172 back, what are peoples experiences of buying back a car they've previous owned.

For me, im relishing the thought of owning the one car i regretted selling.

Just wondering what all your thoughts are really, or if you've done it before etc.

Thanks :)
  Clio 182
I see where your coming from, not quite the same but I'd love to buy my first car back! Always have a quick look for it online when window shopping online for cars!

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Done it and glad I did, also I know I won't be selling it again as I regretted it for the 2 years it was away for so I've got a long term plan for it and doing more permanent changes to it to get it exactly as I want this time round.


ClioSport Club Member
I think when I get rid of this car eventually I'll regret it. Saying that depending on money it may just be changed into something else when I get a new car. We shall see.
  Golf GTD Mk7
Would you go back to a bird if a few people have been through her since you? ;) car would feel different IMO, and might not live up to your memories


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Unless you sold it last week, I'd not bother.

It'd be like going back to an old girlfriend. In your head you remember the good/fun bits but then realise you hated this that and the other, plus there's other fish in the sea, some of whom have been in her etc.

Try something different.
  AB 182-GTI-6-205 GTI
Me neither. People have already brought up the g/f analogy, but it stands, would you really take her back knowing at least a couple of people had blew her back doors off?

For me, unless you sold it for reasons that were beyond your control i'd say try something new ;)
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
I sold my Clio last Thursday, went back at the dealer ship to fit my private plates on my new car and it has already sold! I really miss that car already! I'd have it back tomorrow!
Id be tempted to buy my Flamer back, if I ever saw it for sale and it was still as mint as when I sold it. I loved that car, even if it broke on a weekly basis lol.
Selling that car was a big mistake.
  R14 CUP
I sold it due to circumstances, the mileage was racking up, but I got a company car literally a few weeks later. The car probably the nicest cup on this site, has everything 'everyone' wants.

Its had a lot of money spent on it recently to make it even better. It would be purely a second car.

I still think im gonna go for it tbh. Anybody want a Williams?
  R14 CUP
Paul, your flamer was in Mansfield until fairly recently. Loved around the corner from Linz until we moved out.


ClioSport Club Member
I wish I had bought my old RB back last month, I tried negotiating on price, and inbetween messages it sold to another guy :(

Should of just gone and collected it straight away :(
  02 Clio 172
I once bought back an old Clio, was mint when I sold it had no issues at all. After buying it back I immediately regretted it despite only been out of my ownership for less than a year it was a complete shed with more issues than your local daily rag, sold it again the very next day.


ClioSport Club Member
You'd have swapped the T for your old RB? Mental.

Yeh, well I would of sold the t for a lot more than the RB as it was up for sale for £2200. But I would of spent a couple of £k getting it back to how it was (Yozza, 2118s and recaros)


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I sold 1st 172 (X404hou) to a guy on here who basically trashed it then left it to fester on his driveway for a year.

I bought it back, got it going, then sold it to another CS member, who then sold it to another member, and its still on this site AFAIK.

I would buy that back. For a third time! lol.

I've since owned 26 172/182's and none of them drive as well as that one did. I fcuking loved that car.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Yeh, well I would of sold the t for a lot more than the RB as it was up for sale for £2200. But I would of spent a couple of £k getting it back to how it was (Yozza, 2118s and recaros)

Have I just bought your old car??


ClioSport Club Member
Have I just bought your old car??

No, but when I saw it on Facebook I checked the reg lol.

Mine was sk54wxn, but was last sold with the plate v11mrj to a Belgium apparently.

Edit: if I'm wrong let me know, I want it so bad lol


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Hold on, R14? Gaz selling up then? Must be scared that I'll beat him again at crail ;)

I thought that when he said it had everything. Gaz has the complete cup minus the chequered history. :eek:

Is he selling up?

Oh and good timing on the thread guys. Fffffffffsssssss! Fml!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Not quite but i'm selling a car that's pretty much back to factory fresh apart from paintwork.

Everyone in my thread has told me not to sell it!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Sorry. Daniel told me to sell it. 200 other people told me I was a t**t.

Daniel > All.
  Audi A5
I sold my old 182 to a mate about 4 months ago and he still haven't washed it once, just shows most people won't care for your car as much as you do.

don't think ill buy that back lol.
  120d M Sport
I sold 1st 172 (X404hou) to a guy on here who basically trashed it then left it to fester on his driveway for a year.

I bought it back, got it going, then sold it to another CS member, who then sold it to another member, and its still on this site AFAIK.

I would buy that back. For a third time! lol.

I've since owned 26 172/182's and none of them drive as well as that one did. I fcuking loved that car.

What you waiting for?
  Renault Clio MK1 1.2
I sold it due to circumstances, the mileage was racking up, but I got a company car literally a few weeks later. The car probably the nicest cup on this site, has everything 'everyone' wants.

Its had a lot of money spent on it recently to make it even better. It would be purely a second car.

I still think im gonna go for it tbh. Anybody want a Williams?

Happily have a williams haha! Compared to my 1.2 club med mk1 would be heaven
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I'd buy my 197 back in a heartbeat provided it had been looked after, I never wanted to give it back in the 1st place! I fought to keep it for a year unemployed with £300 per month finance :(

Reg MF08 OVJ if anyones seen it...
