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Caffeine & Machine Meet?

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I'll be away abroad all being well on those dates. Have a good one though!
If I don't end up going abroad due to travel restrictions etc I'll be sure to come down


ClioSport Club Member
24th preferred but not fussed on either, sounds good. Which time slot?

Will look into that mate,i normally go to events early 1st thing but,C&M starts to pick up get around mid morning/midday so maybe will be better for seeing other cars.See what they say monday when i speak to them.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
Will look into that mate,i normally go to events early 1st thing but,C&M starts to pick up get around mid morning/midday so maybe will be better for seeing other cars.See what they say monday when i speak to them.
Top work so far mate, thanks for putting the work in. I should be Ok pretty much any date in July as wife will just have given birth. So she’ll want me out of the house 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Top work so far mate, thanks for putting the work in. I should be Ok pretty much any date in July as wife will just have given birth. So she’ll want me out of the house 😂

Thanks mate,just trying to pick a date that most can make is the hardest thing.I guess who ever cant make this one can make the next one that gets arranged.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
Thanks mate,just trying to pick a date that most can make is the hardest thing.I guess who ever cant make this one can make the next one that gets arranged.
Agreed, my experience with this sort of thing is to just pick a date and whoever can make it makes it. It’s hard enough arranging a f**king teams call at work! So getting a load of clio owners to agree a date is probably like trying to herding cats 😅


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, GT2, Meg250
I’m up for this. Only about 45 mins away for me. Be nice to dust the cup off 🙂

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Never been to Caffeine & Machine but has always been on the bucket list. Not much going on in the Yorkshire/North East section so might just come down on me tod anyway. Will i be the only one in Clio Sport then :ROFLMAO:


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Just realised I put either 340 like I have 2, I was actually going to say either 340 or M3 but didn't ha ha ha


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 cup phase 2
So what’s the situation now do we have a date to book our tickets
Many thanks
