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Calliper painting?

I have searched various threads on here to do with it but none really answer my question.

Ive taken my brembo callipers off my car whilst im refurbishing my wheels....

...with regards my callipers, shall i scrub them down, lightly sand? spray grey primer? then ive got hammerite red paint, then laquer?

also ive got brembo calliper stickers so should I apply those before lacquer?
ahh cool didnt know that... thing is...ive bought "brembo brake decals" to go on them after because obviously original decals were painted over.

So I dont just want to put stickers on calliper without any protection?

Would be ok just to give a quick coat of lacquer wouldnt it?
Bloody hell they look great... mine are no was as smooth, was painted on and quite thick, sort of like gloss! Mmmmm ive got normal lacquer, which ive been using on the wheels, dont know if it would hold up under heat though?!

So maybe just stick the decals on and nothing on top
