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Can anyone unlock my Vodafone Nokia 6300?

  Lotus Elise 111R
Google it, loads of companies for £2-3 will do it instantly. They give you a number, you type it into the phone and bingo! I did it for a 6310i a couple of weeks back, it worked perfectly. Can't remember exactly who I used, but near the top of google list.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
If you take it to vodafone thats the best way to do it as they will get the unlock code from the manufacturer meaning that the phone will have no problems, vodafones do a funny fuction though by scanning for emails so once you have unlocked it go to an O2 store for a software update otherwise it'll cost you money ;)
If you unlock it illegally it may create faults on your handset which would mean that software updates etc could go wrong.
