bit of tip on cleaning flies from the front of your car from my ctr days, it requires a local motorway or empty road though
wait until it rains then take your car out and drive it as fast as you can into the rain (law permitting) better than any high pressure jet, it usually helps to get some autoglym fly and tar remover on their for 20 mins before you set off but it does work !! cleared the 182 no prob
black cars require more care to keep em looking good than most other colours but when fully cleaned and polished up they look much nicer IMO the important thing is to spend some quality time applying some decent polish/wax and a something to protect the finish. i know a lot of people love meguiars but i never had a prob with autoglym. if you can manage it get a lint free polishing fitment that will fit a drill, you need a warm clear day with little wind.. give the car a good clean with a decent shampoo and let it dry naturally then get some high resin polish use liberally and get the drill fitted lint free pad and serioulsy give it some elbow grease all over. the polish should take a shade of the colour of your car. really give it some welly then leave it for half an hour. the car will look a mess at this point white stain marks. next step get a lint free cloth and carefully polish the car taking off all the visible polish residue.. the cloth should slip over the surface really easily but a lint free cloth is essential so you dont get fibres all over it ... then apply autoglym high gloss finish .. follow the instructions to the word... apply sparingly leave for 40 mins the polish by hand hard against the surface, then leave the car will look amazing..! if youve done it properly even the muddiest and rainiest of days should only require a quick hose down and towelling to return it to its perfect shiny state IF you do the previous properly this should last about 3 months weather permitting. another good tip is to do the same thing to the alloys, its a lot easier to wash brake dust off if you do !
only my own opinion but it kept my CTR and will kepp my 182 in mint condition
[Edited by maffyoo on 17 July 2004 at 1:55am]