i cant belive it - ive had the clio for 2 months, and have had my mum reverse into it and now a great bloody HGV drive into the same side of it!
i was getting onto the A2 today on my way home from work, and there was big traffic. the inside trwo lanes were not moving, but they were just queuing for the next turnoff - as i didnt want that i was trying to get into the outside lane. SO, i followed the car infront of me into a gap betrween 2 stationary lorries, and as the car got into the outrside lane i moved into his vacant space in the inside lane...but the b*****d in the lorry behind me couldnt see me so moved forward oblivious of my presence!luckilt he didnt completely sandwich me but did enough damage to put a 2 inch-deep dent in my rear o/s panel, and to bend the door frame! Ive been quoted ~£500 for the fix, the bloke is confident he can get the dent out with all his gadgets.
BUT heres the bad news - it was prob my fault becuase i wasnt in the lorry drivers field of vision, and i am ONLY 3rd party insured. What makes it worse is that when my insurance expires in 3wks time i am goig to make it fully comp.
Can life get any worse ?!