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Car detailing & insurance??

  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Hi all, still waiting to get my hands on a megs g220:evil: but while talking about it at work i've had a few people asking me to do there car when i get one, now i'm by no means a pro with these, i've had a go with a mates & hope to give a few practice runs on a few low ££ cars before attempting any thing big but i've been tempted to have a go at making a few extra pennys through the long summer evenings providing we dont have a summer like last year lol so would just like to know if theres some form of insurance & how much it costs & who to contact etc

peple will ALWAYS say get insurance to do it.

Tbh, do your car, and maybe some people that are close to you, ie, parents, and once your confident with it, do theirs.
  Dodgy one
I'd like to know about the insurance too James, Got a few mates to do and if i fluff up or they have a super thin CC it wont come out of my pocket to be fixed.

I'm pretty confident at using mine just would like to have a back up source
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
£1500 a year Also £90 for liability insurance

That aint cheap lol, although cant you just pay the £90 for liability cover?

Cheers for the link matt, will have a looky later ;) , any word on poxy parcel force? this is not the first time they have let me down
  CS Dungeon
Liability cover will only cover you if someone trips over your extension lead/PC cable etc

My insurance covers me to drive any car upto the value of £90k fully comp, any damage caused to there car while transporting, any damage caaused by detailing and covers me FC for upto 30 personal cars
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
£1500 is pretty good in that case then, more ideal if its something that you are doing every day ie full time job.. prob not so much for me as i plan to come to the persons house & etc.. they might have another option, will have to email them
Cheers for the link matt, will have a looky later ;) , any word on poxy parcel force? this is not the first time they have let me down

Parcelforce rang me earlier and admitted they have lost it!

Will be sending you out a duplicate order tomorrow. ;)
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Parcelforce rang me earlier and admitted they have lost it!

Will be sending you out a duplicate order tomorrow. ;)

Nice one mate, so have they refunded the deliverey costs? You could blag it & tell them i needed them for a job last saturday & cough up some compensation ;)

Either way thanks again for sorting it :cool:

  A well built VW
You will not get insurance cheap enough to make it worth while - I looked into this with a specialist (lloyd @ coversure) this time last year and he reckoned as aminimun it would be £800+ and the excess is usually steep £500+ hardly any take it out as its cheaper just to respray a panel if you fvck up

Up to you if you want to risk it ?? PTG would be wise if doing other peoples cars (my next big buy)
  CS Dungeon
You will not get insurance cheap enough to make it worth while - I looked into this with a specialist (lloyd @ coversure) this time last year and he reckoned as aminimun it would be £800+ and the excess is usually steep £500+ hardly any take it out as its cheaper just to respray a panel if you fvck up

Up to you if you want to risk it ?? PTG would be wise if doing other peoples cars (my next big buy)

Have to agree with the PTG, get a F & FE one at a minimum even better if you can afford a composite one.

I took out the insurance because of the detailing customer cars and it also worked out cheaper then me insuring the Williams, 172, Vito and Hybrid:approve: and I can still buy another 26 cars and not have to insure them.

My excess is £350
