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Car wash!!

  Clio 182 FF
Was just wondering how many times a week people wash there clios??!! I hate a dirty car so I wash probably 3 times a week and at weekends remove wheels, clean calipers and wash under each arch! Am I being over the top!!!:-0 views??


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Depends how dirty it gets? If you aren't doing many miles then yes, you have a problem lol.
  MK3 Clio DCI 86
Normally every 2 weeks for me. But the weather has been so crap recently I've not washed it in 4months :S
  GTD, Lupo
Once a week then once every 3 month i tend to have a good 2 day bash at the car to correct any problem areas and protect the car.


ClioSport Club Member
I used to wash my cars weekly but can never be bothered with it now. Will probably do it more often when the weather is actually nice though.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS

I'd imagine you're doing more damage than good cleaning it more than once a week, regardless of how good your technique is.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
Three times a week?!? Insane. I haven't washed my bus in about 2 months. It's minging. It's also cold outside.

No thanks.
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Once a month if its lucky, usually if it gets bad enough a friend does it for me because it pisses them off lol.

I dont mind cleaning the interior often as I have to sit in it, but the outside meh!

Hard to keep clean anyway when you do 350+ miles a week.


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
When I can be arsed.

Normally once a fortnight in the summer. Once a month if it's lucky in the winter.


ClioSport Club Member
  mk8Fiesta ST,172 cup
usually once a week, weather dependent. also having a silver car means it doesnt really show the dirt as much as say a black car or white car would. used to be pretty obsessive in the past with some of my cars, got over that stage now. i do like to have a nice clean car though.


ClioSport Club Member
Mine hasn't been washed in over a year now. I used to be into detailing, but I've become too lazy!
  LY R26
Bit ott dude 3 times a week?!?!. You'll be spending a lot on cleaning products then, balls to that.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Man... that's pretty crazy. I try to wash mine once a month, but can't really when it's raining at the weekend which it has been loads recently! Well overdue atm :(

I was honestly expecting an 18 year old. Jesus mate, wash it when it's dirty - and even then do the absolute bare minimum.
  iceberg phase 2 172
i do mine now 2/3 times a week , just to keep the grit off it , dont take the wheels off though lol . do a good deep clean, polish wax , wheels off etc every 3months or so


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
3-4 times a year.

Although a mate just washed it the other day for me,
but he's a detailing freak and I think he couldn't stand it any more. lol


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
A guy up the road has a black EP3 with white wheels and he cleans it every night at 530pm when he gets home from work, then puts it in the garage. He then gets it back out at 630am when he goes to work. You can set your watch by him. Every single day without fail. Inside the wheels with all sorts of brushes etc. The thing looks like new.

If he needs to go out after 530, he'll take his wifes car, the same if they go on holiday etc.
  PB Clio 172
Once a week for me but with all this salt around atm and my car is black sometimes its more. If its not dirty I won't clean it


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Guy at work, I'd guess mid-late 40s, has an awful looking Bini, bright yellow, lots of chrome :dead:.... washes the wheels every lunchtime. Burst out laughing when I saw him doing it as I walked past. What the actual........ :S
