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Castle Combe Laptimes

  Yaris Hybrid

I have been speaking to a couple of lads who regular attend trackdays at Castle Combe. They dont have Clios, one has a Swift and the other an Impreza. Funnily enough the former set the quickest laptimes but I am interested to know what laptimes 172/Cup/182 owners here have done up there so I can compare?


ClioSport Club Member

Best I managed recently was a 1:27, with numerous 28s and 29s during that session. Warm day, first out of the paddock, and clear track for 12 laps until the last 2, when I came up on a 4x4 Sierra tussling with a GSI Cavalier, so I really managed to get into the groove.

That was running on Yokohama A539s. Engine wise, an ITG panel filter and an R-Sport ECU are the only "mods".

Tell all...what were they getting then?


[Edited by MarkCup on 21 July 2004 at 7:56pm]
  Yaris Hybrid

When it comes to people talking about track days and cars its hard to seperate the truth from the bulls**t so just bear in mind I am only telling you what they told me!

Apparently the Impreza which is pretty old has had the boost increased so that it produces about 300bhp (I think it should be about 240 as standard?). It has blown two engines already apparently so not the best tuning thats for sure. This if I remember correctly was alleged to be doing similar times to you - late 20s.

The Swift is seriously hard tuned and the guy reckoned he was in the lower half of the twenties which I do tend to believe. He is about to supercharge it too...

i assume a suzuki swift mate?

as i have only just got my valver i havent been on combe yet but i lucky as i only live 8 miles down the road from it lol


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Toypop on 21 July 2004

When it comes to people talking about track days and cars its hard to seperate the truth from the bulls**t so just bear in mind I am only telling you what they told me!

Apparently the Impreza which is pretty old has had the boost increased so that it produces about 300bhp (I think it should be about 240 as standard?). It has blown two engines already apparently so not the best tuning thats for sure. This if I remember correctly was alleged to be doing similar times to you - late 20s.

The Swift is seriously hard tuned and the guy reckoned he was in the lower half of the twenties which I do tend to believe. He is about to supercharge it too...
Id say that all seems pretty reasonable. As regulars who know the track theyre going to have an advantage...I reckon with another day or two I could see the good side of to work on my braking points, got to work on my braking points, repeat ad infinitum...:D


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Russ16v on 21 July 2004

...I only live 8 miles down the road from it lol...
T*sser ;)

Seriosuly though, if any of you are ever going to go to a track day at Castle Combe again, PM me...and Ill be there too.
  Yaris Hybrid

Yeah I think they are pretty experienced and know their way around for sure.

Ive no doubt the Cup could lap quicker than the Impreza. I drove an Evo VI round a track and it had levels of understeer that even an Austin Montego would be ashamed off. Ive heard the Impreza is no better....

I drove a Clio Cup race car too and had an absolute nightmare, too be honest I sucked. Of all the cars Ive driven on a track it was perhaps the best handling but at the same time the hardest to squeeze that final 1% from. I felt quite ashamed afterwards and it was that feeling of unfinished business that made me look into buying the 182!


How are you getting away with timing then? Does your TDO not have a problem with public indemnity insurance if you are timing or are you talking about Test days? Or is this all post event timing using datalogging?


ClioSport Club Member

Nothing more scientific than a Nokia 7210 which has a lap timing facility within the stopwatch function, operated by my passenger. So theres going to be an element of "finger" error in the timings, but I wouldnt think it would be more than 1/10 second either way.

Whats a TDO :confused:


ClioSport Club Member

Aah, I see.

There was someone there, on the "pit wall" who was calling out times for his friend that was going round during one session, then chatting with the instructors about how hes "the first person to break into the 20s today"...they didnt seem to have a problem with it.
  flame red 172
I would be intrested to see a few more times up to be able to compare. I done a 1.29 in a complete standard ph1 172 with marangoni tyres on my first time on coombe (onboard vids to prove) aiming for a 1.27-1.25 next year with a few handling mods
  172 Ph1/Scooby MY00
So far my best lap time is about 1 hour and low 20s. But that was walking round the circuit on one of many visits to watch racing. I live 4 miles away and must get my 172 Ph1 and Impreza on the track.
  Cooksport Fleet
I've done a 1.20 in a 172 cup, Standard other than - Lowering Springs, rear bench removed and decat. That was on Toyo T1R's.

Combe is very much a power circuit however. The Megane was into 1.13s with 280bhp on slicks.
