Please dont take all those comments as personal attacks at you, they werent meant in that way. I agree with you that a lot of the time the speed cameras are a good little earner for the police and the government, though I would like to think that they have placed them in areas in towns and villages where we shouldnt be speeding.
Speeding is speeding as you correctly pointed out. All I was trying to say is, there are times and places where it seems a bit harsh to be done for speeding. 90 on a clear motorway in clear visibility seems fine to me but 45 in a 30 past a school is dangerous. At the end of the day though both are speeding.
Road humps, well yes they do slow the traffic down, personally I think the traffic flows better if it is going at a constant speed rather than slowing down and speeding up, but hey, its just my opinion and I cant back it up with any survey!
As for not being able to tell what speed you are driving at, I didnt say I could say "im now doing exactly 29.56 mph", but you must have some idea of your speed and whether you are speeding up and slowing down. It wasnt a personal attack on you by the way!