I had a woman trying to park my car (sh*t heap!) behind me a while ago outside a row of shops, and she was scaring the fecking life outa me coz she was all over the place, thought my car was going to be written off! I couldnt move out her way either cos the car in front was too close! But the real crunch was that when I got out my car once she had finished her stunt driving! I noticed her frigging tax was months out of date! The car was full of rust, so I doubt it had an M.O.T!! and more than likely NO INSURANCE!
Felt like calling the police to get her off the road incase she hits someone! She couldnt even drive safely! Made me pretty annoyed! (how the hell didnt she have tax though! I thought u get fined if u dont get it when its due!! Should BE THE SAME RULE for insurance!!)