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Changing Clio MK3 Seats??

  Renault clio extreme mk3
Does any one know what seats (excluding bucket seats ) will swap/fit directly into a MK3 clio with out having to change the sub frames, the reason i ask is i helped my mate fit leather calibra seats in his corsa and i was wanting to do some think similar,
any ideas please!?!?!?!
  M2 Competition
The original subframes are attatched to the seats mate, will have to swap both i think...

Edit, thinking about it i had a new subframe for one, so might be wrong. Id look for a leather interior from a 172 ph2 mate, would look good.
i changed to leather in mine..

1.2 extreme Mk2 PH2, i did not have any problems apart from doing it in the rain, i was clever too my seats did not get wet either....:rasp:
