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chaning my 172 steering wheel

hi everyone i am getting sick of trying to find a second hand steering wheel for my 172 there are just none around!! been looking for 5 months!!! anyway thinking of an aftermarket steering wheel now are they easily fitted and will any dash board lights come on because of having no airbag?? not defo for sure but just wondering any pics would be great cheers many thanks
  Nike Lunar Elite's
afaik you need a resistor to prevent the airbag light coming on. Fitment should be easy enough with a dedicated boss kit.
  H22A7 Accord Type R
i THINK............momo boss kits that state they are for airbag models - come with relevant bits to ensure the airbag light doesnt come on! :)
cheers guys if the air bag light stays off i would have one of those babies for definate anyone confirm this please and any pics at all???????
