same here 15 shots a second and it fires marbles too....Quote: Originally posted by ryan22nd on 05 March 2005
i got a paintball gun!
Take that ya kappa slappa
Quote: Originally posted by Chewy on 07 March 2005
just in case anyone didnt know... chav stands for Council housed and violent..
sorry if ive insulted your intelligenceive only just found out myself
lol ..^^^^
actually means a Cheltenham Average!!<--- official definition
jesus dude .. i hope that car of ur mates was a banger !! fuk wreckin my car for a chav ..Quote: Originally posted by mudflap boy on 07 March 2005
my mate was out in town when these chavs tried to start on him, so he just walked off but they yelled abuse, anyhow about an hour or so later he went back to his car and they were all standing by a body kitted fiesta, max power stylee so it obviously cost a lil bit, they started calling him a pussy etc, and as he got in his car they got in theres and tried blocking him in, when he eventually got out of the car park they overtook and drove slowly in front then sped up, all the time hurling abuse. anyway they stopped at a red light (hard to believe i know) and were givin my mate the finger etc, by this time he was soooo pissed off he just rammed hard into the back of them shunting into the road, absolutly ruined there car, bumper fell off, both lights smashed etc, then he just spun around and drove off. he had a fair bit of damage to his car, mainly bumper and bonnet, but he believes it was worth it, and the strangest thing is he never got a call from the law or anything. my guess is that the car wasent insured as modified or anything so they didt risk it
but wooo i think that that showed them whos a pussy
Quote: Originally posted by kyle on 09 March 2005
lol bad luck dude,
knew weapon suggestion - bananas! Was driving along the other day to see a load of chavs on mopeds and a few on feet (one had a golf club) just hanging around givnig people abuse, they all started shoutin wen i drove past - 5 mins later i returned with a rather fortunately aquired pile of over-ripened banans which we heated up over the blower on the way back, take that chavs, people2 chavs 0
Actually laughing my ass off!!!
... and there was me thinking that this was all happening in the inner city areas. Ive been out of the UK for over six years now, living in Madrid, and cant believe some of the tales that I am hearing on this forum. Has good old blighty gone so far down hill ...Quote: Originally posted by JEZZA182 on 18 March 2005
In answer to someones question it happened in Rothwell, Northants.
fraid so mate, its a jungle out there - chavs, pikeys.... chavs pikeys etc.Quote: Originally posted by KnightAzul on 18 March 2005
... and there was me thinking that this was all happening in the inner city areas. Ive been out of the UK for over six years now, living in Madrid, and cant believe some of the tales that I am hearing on this forum. Has good old blighty gone so far down hill ...Quote: Originally posted by JEZZA182 on 18 March 2005
In answer to someones question it happened in Rothwell, Northants.
I hail from Norfampton, and dont remember having to deal with Chavs and the likes, but then again I didnt have a Clio 182 at the time ... For me its the parents everytime, no excuses.