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Chavs in other clios....

  RB 200 Cup!
whats the point in racing a car like a clio sport in a banged up chav car - i dont try in my dynamique cos i no i will lose. Plus i hate cahvvy novas 1.2's especially who wanna race me all the timwe - i dont wanna race them cos i get the feeling they will damagae my car - pricks

Lets all go on a chav hunt and kill em all
  Honda Civic 2.0 TypeR
coming home from thorpe park one day me and my mate had a digital camra it was dark, and a corsa full of chavs come right up the ass of the car let it pass they did so i usesd the camras flash to flashed em and they slammed there car brakes on thinkin it was a speed camra was brilliant lol (this camras flash is crazy!)this idea amazed me so i kept doing it all the way home :4
  MK2 Audi TT - 2.0T dsg.
JBarber said:
you know the best thing to do, go into a costume shop and buy and coppers helmet. Then we you get hassled, wind the window down and wave the helmet out of the window. They should leave you alone.
Sounds a cool idea #, will have to give it a try :D
  Red Clio 197 F1
You think we have it bad, just think if we had proper sports cars like an Aston, Ferrari etc. They amount of idiots trying to race you would be comical!!
  Renault clio16v phase 2
I have a standard spec 16v mk1 clio and all the time i get it. Usually saxo"s up my neck ov the woods. Sad is the word for them.I say let them throw pound notes out ov therfe exhaust sado's!!!!!!:mad:
  Black/Gold 182
Thomss said:
Sounds a cool idea #, will have to give it a try :D

It happened to my old boss at my first ever job (before the days of speed cameras). He had a brand new Jag XJS and came hurtling up behind a car on the motorway (he was doing something like 130mph) and started flashing the guy to get him to move over. The bloke wound down the window and waved his coppers hat. Needless to say my boss slowed down. Must have been about in 1989...
  1.2 16v Dynamique
Iain C said:
there was a mk1 clio that turned up to bolney jap meet the other week with his sounds pumpin cap and jogging pants all present and correct.
He had Lacoste (people wot mate cack threads) up the side of his car.
My jap car owning mates pi55ed me off with that all day.

I've seen that around the Brighton area, did make me laugh....:D
  Tangoed Works
philmots said:
I dont get why people in a 1.2 try and race a 182 its daft do they not know they are going to loose?!

i only pick races if i know i can win, simple...

I only pick them if I know its going to be a close call. Not worth wasting petrol on something you know you can beat.
  RB 200 Cup!
otherwise its no fun - i like racing in my 1.6 against my mates Mk3 Golf GTI - really close call most of the time!

Of course this only ever takes place on my private racetrack - lol!
Timmay said:
thats costs money tho - killing em would be free
Bullets cost money, or were you thinking of using your bare hands??? Either way, count me in!

These chav t*ats have been a thorn in my side for years now! It wasn't that bad when they were just standing on street corners drinking White Lightning and hurling abuse to people who could beat ten shades of sh*te out of them. They couldn't do any real harm then. Now they are old enough to drive and have scrounged enough money from the government and sold their stolen/fake wares so they can buy a car and drive it through Halfords to stick as much cr*ap on it as possible worries me! The damage they can do driving like they own the road in a car held together with no more than superglue and hope is such a danger to normal decent people.

The thing is the more we race them, the more they are gonna try it (I have been guilty of this too before anyone accuses me of getting on my high horse! :rasp:). At the end of the day we have better things to do than racing a chav in a 1.1 anything, but showing them up infront of all of there scummy friends does put a smile on my face!

In conclusion, chavs = scum......
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
jamesy said:
im going to get a pic when i get a chance there is a clio round my way a mk2 p2 1.2 on horrific street octane wheels its half black and half yellow with a massive universal backbox 4 pot brakes for some strange reason and an ugly bodykit with primer patches allover this is a bad image for clio owners everywhere he too is a chav:dapprove:

I hate people like that. I like some bodykits but if you cant afford it sprayed dont put it on, horrible site. The people that fly past being nobs I can live with, they fly past therefore they've pi**ed me off for a few seconds. The annoying people are people without any confidence that dawdle all the time, equally dangerous but much more annoying.


ClioSport Club Member
loads of arseholes about here too.

thing is if i see a 172 or 182 and he's driving fast i try to keep up not for the sake of racing but just to see what it can do, you can see just how much faster it is than your 1.2, but if i see a 172/182 sticking to speedlimits i dont go flying right up his arse trying to make him drive fast.

the one that does my head in the most is the other black clio drivers, because they have a black clio too they feel the need to sit right up your arse and try to overtake you!

or the guys that have 3 or 4 people in the car and still try to race you, i never even try to keep up with people if i have more than one extra person in the car! it just goes to slow!
  Black Gold 182FF
Had a young bloke in a Golf TDI try it on during the weekend (His seat was so far back that it looked like he was in bed). We were 3 up in my car, he was alone. He came driving right up my ars* , so I moved into the middle lane on the motorway to let him pass, then just stayed with him. He must have been shocked as he kept looking in his rear view mirror, and almost missed his exit, (same exit I was taking). Pulled up next to him at the traffic lights at the roundabout, and never got a second glance from him. Silly little boy!!!! Needless to say, my mother-in-law told me that she was in no rush to get to her destination. (Bless her).
Could be worse, my Clio is extremely chav. In the process of smoothing all badges, rub strips, roof gutters, brake repeater, rear wiper, aerial etc. Will be smooth and Euro style when it's done but it's just getting there and at it's current state it's the chavvest around.

And to make thing's worse some chav bought my gorgeous valver for far too cheap and insists on using the torque from my nicely tuned beast for wheel spins. Hmm.
  Clio 172 mk2
JayJo said:
You think we have it bad, just think if we had proper sports cars like an Aston, Ferrari etc. They amount of idiots trying to race you would be comical!!

I think your right there.

I hardly ever get any hassle in my 172
  Renault 5 GT Turbo
I drive a R5 GT-Turbo, you can imagine the kind of attention i get from "youths". All i want to do is get to work and back, leave me alone you little shites!
  fastest passat in't world
When I was considering buying my 172, I looked at the drivers of them to see what they were like. If I saw chav's and chavette's the deal was off, as it happens I saw none, all the drivers looked proffesional (not like wh0res) and not a single chav was seen....Until the day I picked it up!

I just ignore them, If they wanna look like dicks then they can do, hopefully we are not all tarred with the same brush.
  tiTTy & SV650
mk1 172, mk2 172 and 182 are all getting more and more affordable all the time so it will only get worse.
  133/225/CLS AMG
I'm seeing more and more chavs in Imprezas though!! They are bargain price and damn fast, the new XR2 and XR3 me thinks!! lol

There's a chav round my way who was always posing about in a Megane (non RS) always giving it large, by the looks of him and that he was about 17 it blatantly wasn't his car.

Now he's trying to large it up in a .............Renault Modus!! hahahahahaha gotta be his mums car then. hahahahahahaha :D :D
