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  Clio 1.4RT
i crashed our car in feburary, i had too claim, but im wondering....
the insurance was in dads name, he dealt with the claim, but i was driving he cannot remember what he told the insurance company they pretty much took care of it on there own..... have -i- made a claim? or has dad?
You Had An Accident. Your Dad Made A Claim On His Policy. You Have Zero no-claims and your Dad will have zero no-cliams unless it was protected.
You Had An Accident Your. Your Dad Made A Claim On His Policy. Yopu Have Zero no-claims and your Dad will have zero no-cliams unless it was protected.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I crashed while under my dads name, when i phoned up my insurance they said it was all on his name and that nothing was against me.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
But it wasn't a claim under my names, they have no record, or do any other places of me making one? Maybe they misunderstood and though i was my dad?
