My last car had climate control but my current one has only got A/C, from what I can see internally there is the normal heater panel instead of the screen and buttons and there are cables going to the heater where there were motors with the climate.
To be honest though unless you can get the parts for free or very cheap I wouldn't bother, I don't miss it at all, infact I prefer the normal heater over the climate because I've now go direct control on the temp of the air coming out of the vent. With the climate me and it used to have disagreements on that subject, with it set to minimum temp and the a/c on you would think its going to give cold air but nope its kicking out warm and things like that, used to wind me up big style.
Its great for snob factor but in practise I don't really like it that much, sure I wouldn't go out my way to find a car without it if I had found one with it. I just wouldn't be bothered if it didn't have it as long as its got a/c.