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clio 1.2 2001 very slugish in low gears or 25mph or below. Any ideas what causes this

  renault clio 1.2 :)
Hi i have a clio 1.2 and typical girl dont know anything about cars. the car is clio 1.2 2001 and is very slugish ( kind of losing power) in low gears or 25mph or below. Any ideas what causes this?

really like my wee car and i am hoping it is nothing serious. :(

Advice please folks :)
  SEAT Ibiza SC FR
Re: clio 1.2 2001 very slugish in low gears or 25mph or below. Any ideas what causes

How do you mean sluggish? Does it dip in revs by itself? Has it always done this or just started to? Because 1.2 Clios are pretty slow low down any way, they have barely any torque at all.
  renault clio 1.2 :)
Re: clio 1.2 2001 very slugish in low gears or 25mph or below. Any ideas what causes

once i slow down to belwo 25mph the car starts to mis-fire and kinda struggles, once foots to the floor and i get to above 30mph its fine. I have had the car for 4month and has ran great until two weeks ago and it jst started judderin and mis-firing :(
  SEAT Ibiza SC FR
Re: clio 1.2 2001 very slugish in low gears or 25mph or below. Any ideas what causes

Could be loads of things. My guess is the coilpack.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: clio 1.2 2001 very slugish in low gears or 25mph or below. Any ideas what causes

my guess is having it in 4th gear and trying to accelerate from like 20. doesn't work.
