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clio 172 cambelt

  clio 172 sport
can ne 1 point me in the direction of changing my cambelt, i wanna have ago at doin it myself!?


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Erm its a difficult job, by all means you can try it yourself but you need expensive locking tools and are more than likely to f**k it up which will cost you in excess of £1000 to fix.
  clio 172 sport
in swansea, wales, ive bought the cambelt kit n the loocking kit,i jus need 2kno wat 2 do soidnt f*** it up lol!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Its not difficult but you do need to fully understand the process and have the correct tools or else it will go wrong for you.
  clio 172 sport
im not a newbe lol, do have sum knoledge of wrkin on cars! where can i get the info ffrom mate? cheers
  clio 172 sport
ive got the halfords 150 peice set, got the flywheel locking pin, hourseshoe to lock the cams andanthoer pin 4 the pulley!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
There are build manuals floating around the net or you can buy a copy from eBay but i urge you to read it several times before lifting a finger until you understand what it is you are doing. Tool wise, how do you plan to achieve the 30nm + 84deg, 40nm + 110deg and 100nm that the various sprockets need to be fixed at with the Halfords set? The fixings are all stretch types so under-tighten and they slip. Over-tighten and they fatigue, stretch and slip. You may be a dab hand with the spanners on other cars but get an F4R wrong and it will bite you to the tune of £900-1200.
  clio 172 sport
ok, thats y i wnat sum info lol look like ill have 2 get afew mre bits 1st neways, ive got th manuel of ebay b4,ill take alook at it!imassuming they r 4 the idler pulley's nd the tensioner? thanx man 4 ur help so far, how much time do i need2 set aside? i havent got aircon nemre,went 4 the cup setup instead so taht sould cut out sumwaseted time right?
