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Clio 172 Help

Oops sorry new here.

I was actually looking for a bit of advice regarding a Clio 172 Im thinking of buying. Its in excellent condition but unfortunately has gone 5k over its scheduled service due to the current owners change of circumstance.

Im intending to buy it and then put it in for a full service.

It an 02 172 with just over 40k.

Should I be concerned about it being a few thousand miles beyond its service point?
  The Tube

I think theres a cambelt inspection at 36k, and some peeps have needed their cambelts replaced at the 36k service. So could be pricey.

How much you paying for it?


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed

Just remember that missing a scheduled service will mean YOUll get the car for less, but then you might have to sell it on for less than your perception of what it would be worth because of this missed service.

Plus, if you get a full service youll pay for anything thats been missed by that lack of service at 36K.
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

..72k or 5yrs is what renault recomend for the cambelt change i think, but some have had trouble early so 45/50k may be best for a change (how hard has it been driven?), at 36k they change the accessory belt. a normal service is £170ish, so you must take this into account with the above^

Thanks for the advice.

The car has had a full renault service history and was booked in for a service at 37k and was inspected by Renault. The only fault that Renault found was a replacement exhaust. Unfortunately the owner couldnt afford the full service but did get the exhaust replaced.

The car is available for £6,000. It has been impeccably maintained up till the last service. It hasnt been modified and has been used for motorway commuting.

Im really just bothered that the engine wouldnt suffer any serious damage by missing a service by just over 4k.

I think Ill probably go for it as Ive got a real hankering for a 172!

Any further advice would be appreciated.

[Edited by wrightc23 on 08 July 2005 at 10:57pm]
  Lionel Richie

na no damage will be done to it by missing a service, just use it as a negotiating point

get a quote for a full service at renault (say £350) and then go barter the guy down
