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Clio 172 timing belt

Mine didnt sound any different and was no less keen to get to the limiter tbh. My cams were way out though and im not sure if they were retarded or advanced because if yours are the opposite to mine then I think it would have different symptoms.
Sorry I cant be more use - Best of luck with it!
  2003 Clio 172
So car went into dealers again after i voiced my complaints....

4 hours later I was asked back to get the car and advised that there was nothing wrong with it that they could see, they even put it on the computer etc (yay. free diagnositc of sorts)

No charge of course

Drove it home.

Different car.

Go figure :S

  Clio 197
either that or they have been fiddling with it and dont want to admit liability least its sorted now though :)

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
^^ ye or realised they didn't do it right the first time and didn't want to admit they were at fault
