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Clio 182 Angle Sensor Issue


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I just bought a 2004 Clio 182. The traction control, ABS and SERV lights are on permanently. The computer reads it as an Angle Sensor fault. The guy I bought it from told me he had replaced this and the lights went out for a while and then came back on again.
I took the steering wheel off and I was expecting to see a small unit that fits behind the steering wheel in front of the unit that has the indicator stalks attached. But there isn't you can see the circular thing that the airbag wires are plugged into and the indicator cancel dial.
I went to a breakers and took the wheel off a couple of other clios and they looked the same as mine.
Should I have this sensor unit or is mine different and does it some other way? One of the ones I took apart at the breakers I pulled a bit hard and the white ribbon cable came out of it - is this what this separate unit would have in it and so I don't need that?
I also read about having to have it calibrated withe CLIP which might just be what he didn't do?
Not sure if I just need to buy the 'missing' sensor?
Attached is an image of what i was expecting to see (Not mine) and an image of what mine looks like when I take the wheel off (my angle sensor)
Thanks a lot.


  • Not Mine.jpg
    Not Mine.jpg
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  • my angle sensor.jpg
    my angle sensor.jpg
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ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
In the photo "Not mine" you can clearly see the SAS in place (the black plastic box with the yellow marker). The other photo shows your setup missing an SAS and what you've assumed is an SAS is actually the clock spring position marker.



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
In the photo "Not mine" you can clearly see the SAS in place (the black plastic box with the yellow marker). The other photo shows your setup missing an SAS and what you've assumed is an SAS is actually the clock spring position marker.

So he lied when he said he replaced it - probably had and after market wheel on it and put it back without the sensor so you think?

So if I get the SAS it should just fit straight on?


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
If the wiring is there, yes but it *may* need programming so simply fitting one may not be the finish line, otherwise I suspect he would've done this already.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Should there be wiring on the unit I have in there ? Would I have noticed there was a cable hanging out not going anywhere?
I think I know someone with a dealer CLIP tool to calibrate it


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
So i got a new angle sensor and took the steering wheel off etc, the angle sensor has a little socket at the bottom and the squib has a square hole that that fits in but no plug or wires to plug into the sensor. Where should the wire or plug come from? Should it be a cable plugged in the back of the squib?

Thanks very much for your help, it's getting frustrating now, I thought I was just going to be able to plug this in...


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
IIRC it comes from the wiring loom to the steering column, not part of the clock spring assembly. Are you sure it hasn't been hidden out of the way or cut?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I had a good look and I just can't find it, so wired

I don't know where to look now or what I can do


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I've had another root around in there and up behind where the esp and cruise controls are there's a plug hanging that has 3 or 4 wires that go back to those esp or cc controls.
Do you think there should be a cable that should plug into that and then come up behind the squib?


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ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
We don't do link cables... Where is that connector because is its about 1cm square, it looks very much like the SAS connection


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
That one is behind the esp, cruise control buttons and dashboard illumination dial on the right if the steering column. That connector is bigger than what looks like should go into the SAS and obviously the wires are only short so I wondered whether this plugged into another wire that fed up through the squib?
Do you know anywhere that might sell them?
Thank you for all your replies you're very helpful
