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Clio 182 Intermittent Starting Issues


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182
Hi guys,

First post here. I have recently got a RB Clio 182 that has intermittent starting issues.

Symptoms are:

- Fires up fine when it is working, can drive for any distance no problems at all.
- When you go to start it again, you hear a relay click in the passenger glovebox area but no crank at all. Totally dead.
- Can be bump started, so leads me to believe the problem is not immobiliser / reader / key related?
- Battery is brand new and tested.
- Alternator is brand new.
- Can't jumpstart when bypassing earth to engine chassis.

Called breakdown today who are convinced it is the starter motor and want to replace it - but I am not sure based on the fact it works faultlessly when not having this problem. I am thinking it could be:

- Starter motor
- Earthing?
- Crank sensor - would this cause a no crank situation?
- Loose wiring in fuse box / faulty fuse?

Done a lot of reading on here but curious to see if anyone has had these exact symptoms.

Many thanks


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182
Check that the starter has the heat shield protecting it.

If it hasn't it's probably the starter.
I was wondering that. It seems to have had 2 starters fitted in 3 years.

Will check the heat shield and also the crank sensor.



ClioSport Club Member
Wiring to starter,or starter at a guess if no crank.

I would start by checking voltage at exciter wire when its clicking. Might be corrosion in the white connector, causing low voltage combined with higher resistance at the solenoid when hot causing a no crank. Also check the starter/immob relay in underbonnet fusebox, the terminals always corrode.


ClioSport Club Member
Cheap ones on these cars aren't worth s**t.

Need a decent Bosch one on it.
Thing I have learnt through my life... buy cheap, buy twice.

I was wondering that. It seems to have had 2 starters fitted in 3 years.

Will check the heat shield and also the crank sensor.


Do one thing at a time so you can actually identify the issue, doing more than one thing at a time could leave you more confused than you are now!


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182
Thanks for this.

Just got home and had another look. I have noticed that the immobiliser light goes solid red when inserting the key and turning the ignition on - it doesn't go off. From reading online apparently this is not usual behaviour.

Everything I am reading says it is likely to be a fuse / wiring issue either in the glovebox area or the fuse box near the battery. Not sure where to start but I think a careful clean / check of all the wiring might be a good place to start.

Probably won't get a chance to do anything until Saturday now - hate the dark winter evenings!


ClioSport Club Member
Spindle like what mine did after I had replaced the gearbox. Turned out the exciter wire on the starter wasn't on securely. Definatly check the starter has a heat shield and if no luck elsewhere give the starter wires a wiggle and see if it fires up then.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182
OK so I went out early this morning and had a quick look.

Tried moving around the x3 small brown relays, and checking some of the fuses. Also tried connecting a jump lead from negative battery terminal to the bearbox & engine block. No Joy sadly.

Got a Can Clip on the way to hopefully give me some insight software-wise.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182
She lives!

Tested all the fuses, then looked at the starter. Spade connector was not attached!! I don't see how it would have come off by itself, I can only assume the breakdown bloke must have disturbed it while looking down there.

I am sure that the UCH has an intermittent fault as the red light does not go out unless you fiddle with the wipers / windows! Works for the time being but have found someone who can refurbish the UCH so will send it in for repair.

The idle does still seem a bit lumpy, but perhaps I just need to get used to the car - or look at cleaning idle control valve / TB ...etc


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182
Just to add an update to this.

Went out the other morning and wouldn't start again! Took it for a bit of a spirited drive the night before.
Thought I'd just check the starter spade connector again, but couldn't see how it could possibly come off again....

Well guess what, it had! Put it back on and started first time.

Must be vibrating loose or coming off when going over bumps. I will tighten down the connector at the weekend but think this can be drawn to a close now thankfully.

Cheers for all the help.

PS If anyone wants access to a Clip in Weybridge, Surrey please let me know. I have one now.
