Hi, our Clio 200 lost power about 6weeks ago, turned out to be a oxygen sensor. A week later it started spluttering and making all kinds of horrible noises, the gap on plug number 1 was closed up, 4 new plugs in and she was running nice. Couple of weeks later on our way to a wedding the engine starts to rattle, got it recovered and back to my friends car garage (ex Renault worker) to discover a piece of metal in cylinder 3! There doesn't seem to be any damage to the cylinder and piston, or to any valves or there seats, we don't know where it's come from or what it was before it got squashed, has anyone come across anything like this before? Is it just a coincidence all 3 break downs or are they linked? If the piece of metal was in cylinder 1 that would explain the squashed plug, but we would of also heard the rattle sooner. Any advise ???? Thanks Ben.