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Clio 200 MPG?!?!?!


ClioSport Club Member
who said the same petrol cost as an M3, they do 18-20mpg driving like a granny.
My old mans slk 350 can't even get above 25mpg with the engine off!!!!
Any were near 30mpg for a close to 200bhp car is fecking good.

Buy a durv if you want 40+mpg and a tractor sound track.

I know people with M3's and they get 30mpg on extra urban. Which is the same as the 200.
  GTD, Lupo
Yes, that's motorway driving. Sitting at 60/70mph.

At 60 on the motor way i have seen 36mpg pop up on the computer, but on long drives at 70 its around 35mpg so to be honest no where near as bad as an M3. If i boot it i get around 28mpg and my mates m3 is lucky to see double figures.


Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
At 60 on the motor way i have seen 36mpg pop up on the computer, but on long drives at 70 its around 35mpg so to be honest no where near as bad as an M3. If i boot it i get around 28mpg and my mates m3 is lucky to see double figures.


That's awesome MPG for a mk3, I've never seen 30mpg... mine sits around the low 20's.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
They are so shite on fuel they're comical.

Don't get me wrong they are good cars, but the fuel consumption would put me off.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
They are so s**te on fuel they're comical.

Don't get me wrong they are good cars, but the fuel consumption would put me off.

I've done 33k in two years, no wonder I'm poor :dapprove:

I only live 5mins from work too lol
Managed 36 on a run in the FRS this morning. PMSL I deserve a medal for that.

BTW if I lived 5mins from work I wouldn't be driving there. Lazy f**k! x
  Fiesta STripes
The best I had was 35,7 mpg beaning it on empty fast roads in the North of Scotland. I get about 29-30 on motorway.

Car is for fun, wouldn't have bought it if I were paranoid about MPG
Did you push it?

LOL no. I was doing an ultra-mpg test just because I could as the streets were fairly empty. Journey was 50% 30mph, 50% B-road and 50% motorway. Pulling away in 2nd gear and short shifting straight into 6th at 30mph. Extreme MPG Wars :evil:
  Clio 182 arctic
LOL no. I was doing an ultra-mpg test just because I could as the streets were fairly empty. Journey was 50% 30mph, 50% B-road and 50% motorway. Pulling away in 2nd gear and short shifting straight into 6th at 30mph. Extreme MPG Wars :evil:
think you've got ur adding up there a bit wrong roy ;)
I've just got 32.1 mpg over 100miles so it ain't that bad tbh, that's mixed driving, town, motorway and abit of country lane blasting
  a burnt one
LOL no. I was doing an ultra-mpg test just because I could as the streets were fairly empty. Journey was 33.33333% 30mph, 33.33333% B-road and 33.33333% motorway. Pulling away in 2nd gear and short shifting straight into 6th at 30mph. Extreme MPG Wars :evil:

  PS 200
Just tried Miss Daisy style driving on usual route home (Normal average 28.5 mpg).

Last thing I saw before falling asleep was 37.5 mpg.

Apologies to the yaris for holding you up :sleepy:
  200 cup & 106 GTi
Usual cliosport bullshit as always.

Some people say they get 25-28mpg from a 172/182 taking it easy, some say they get 45+. I averaged approx 38mpg over 15k+ miles in the trophy with lowest tanks including driving through central london in rush hour(32mpg on that tank) to driving to work and back on country roads(43mpg on that, could get over 50 if i bothered trying).

Some people say they can't get over 30mpg out of their 197/200, some people get over 35mpg out of theirs. I would expect that the book figures(which are tested in isolated conditions) would be pretty close to reality if you drove in the same manner as the testers in the same situations. I have no doubt that 40-45mpg could be had by cruising at 50-60mph on long flat straight roads without stopping.

People say that the performance to mpg ratio is low? Not really. The other cars mentioned have smaller capacity engines. I had a 2.0 straight 6 bmw that i'd struggle to get over 30mpg out of, thats book figure was pretty close to correct as it has been for every other car i bought.
Comparing to evos and M3s? LMFAO. Yeah.
An evo driven in the same manner that gets 20mpg out of a 200 will give you the wrong side of 10mpg, people that i know with evos struggle to get over 15mpg being sensible. An M3 of E36 or E46 vintage will struggle to get over 15mpg being smashed around country roads or in town, on a smooth run it'll get up to 30 if you're lucky.
Mini cooper S if hammered will happily drop below clio economy, same with corsa vxr. If you live on boost you will drink more fuel than an N/A car, if you cruise along at 60 at light throttle, of course the 400cc less will use less fuel...

Seriously, cliosport really does have some(quite a lot of) retarded threads with lots of clueless retarded posts by people that think they know what they're talking about...
  GTD, Lupo
Usual cliosport bulls**t as always.

Seriously, cliosport really does have some(quite a lot of) retarded threads with lots of clueless retarded posts by people that think they know what they're talking about...

Where, show me... oh wait one second i think i found one;

I have no doubt that 40-45mpg could be had by cruising at 50-60mph on long flat straight roads without stopping.

And down a hill? Agree with the Evo and M3 comment just a shame you said the above when it is totally impossible!! and i do know because i have tried.

  200 cup & 106 GTi
Well the official extra urban cycle is 44.1mpg, it will be possible. Extra urban is 56mph iirc and it would be on flat ground, at a cruise!

Edit: if you hadn't guessed, i've joined the 200 fold, will reveal my MPG figures when it arrives...
  PS 200
On a side note - was experimenting with the Cruise Control last night and have decided that the resume button was programmed by Aryton Senna :cool:

44.1 mpg is not possible in a 200 (110% guaranteed)
