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clio extreme 4 need idea's

  racing blue sport
hi just got a clio extreme 4 (in black) and wanted idea's for it i was think ta technix coilovers then get 16' rota grid's in white or black ( want help with the colour) also thinking about yellow fogs and want a stereo(not sure which) , another mod which i was thinking about is carbon wrap the dash plastics , will post pictures soon , thanks tom
  racing blue sport
  1.2 Mk3 Phase2
They're not nice! haha. keep the headunit standard unless your buying a propper one (decent) most are roughly the quality of the standard headunit and if you do change it make sure to get one which will work with the stalks but mt audio on here can sort that for you. :)
I think you should murder it! All black :) unless you cann pull of the white & black not too tacky.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
well, rota grids would look nice, maybe abit of camber angle to?

yellow fogs will look stupid imo.

thought about an rs rear bumper?

lower it on what ever suspension setup your going for, wrap the dash strips as you said.

and last but not least, colour code the trim, will finish it nicely i think :)
  racing blue sport
Yh was thinking about 172 rear bumper and colour code it , what colour grids , white or black ? And what's a decent headunit ? What are decent cleaning products
  1.2 Mk3 Phase2
Alpine, pioneer.
AutoGlym are good!! bought nearly every product and imo they are amazing.
If your thinking of giving the exterior a good clean, use a clay bar. It took me 7 hours but your car litrally feels like glass once doen properly! but thats a propper job :)


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Yellow fogs only work if your name is Takumi and you deliver tofu.

Personally, I'd have the wheels in all black, or if you really must have white, consider maybe having some white on the car to match the wheels (writing on the bullets, Renault logo)

As for stereo, as above, Pioneer do good stuff.

Welcome anyway ;)
  racing blue sport
haha yes i have found this out , all my mates have said black and i think my decision is made now. ordered coilovers tonight then next week wheels will be ordered , dont think i want strech
