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Clio/Kangoo Sagem Instrument Cluster Pinout/Wiring

  Renault Kangoo
So for my honda engine swap im going to be using a megasquirt ms3x, it does support a CAN bus.
Im going to keep the sagem instrument cluster, i quite like the look of it and i feel it suits the car very well. My plan is to attempt to reverse engineer it. Ive found some documents that give pinouts for the starndard io signals, so ill just verify those and hopefully get them all to work (that should be the easy part). For the CAN bus side im going to get a CAN sniffer tool and see if i can decode the bus and get it to work that way, hopefully 🙈 im pretty sure its gonna be a b**ch.

So if anyone has any info on how this instrument cluster works it would be greatly appreciated, i just want to gather as much info on it as i can.
  Renault Kangoo
So ive started with this process.
So far im able to read CAN messages from the gauge cluster.

I created this exel spreadsheet that i will be updating as i go, i probably wont be posting on the forum.

Sagem instrument cluster info:
Kangoo 2004 1.4l petrol
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  Renault Kangoo
Has anyone seen this before or know what it could be.
Its a message that gets sent from the ecu onto the can bus and if i change the last two bytes it shows that on the instrument cluster display. By changing the byte values i can change the number displayed with set, 132 seems to be the max.


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  Renault Kangoo
So i have pretty much full control over the instrument cluster, so id say it was a success. Videos of it working are in the google drive folder.
  Clio MK2 Ph2 1.4 16v
I have 2004 Clio MK2 PH2 and i would like to fit a Sagem RS PH1 cluster in, would this help me aswell?

Regards from Slovenia
  Renault Kangoo
Thats hard to say, im not entirely sure. If your car has a can bus to the instrument cluster and all the messages are the same(i expect they would be). Theoretically you should then just be able to rewire the instrument cluster pinouts and then it should work.
  Renault Kangoo
I have pinouts in that exel for the sagem cluster that has CAN.

Here is another pinout but for another gauge without CAN.
