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Clio Neighbours

  Yaris Hybrid

Remember back in January my neighbour got a 182 and promptly picked up his final three points so had to hand it back:

Well here we are five months later and I come home from work to find this:

Pre-regd Cup! Wonder how long this one will last! As I said in my original post back in January he was either going to get banned or die! Last time it was the former....
  Yaris Hybrid

First one was on finance but he returned it within a certain period (he only had the car a week at most) and also argued about it because there was a load of stuff wrong with it. So they gave him his px back and he walked away having just had a weeks free test drive on a 182!

He has the new one on finance too.

I knew from what he had told me that he wasnt going to live long and I have heard since he handed the car back from other people who also say he drove like a maniac and was absolutely flat out everywhere with no regards for speed limits etc.

He said he is going to take it easier in this one....

Watch this space!
  Yaris Hybrid

As I said last time I am expecting to hear anytime now that he is no longer with us or seriously injured so I am pretty apprehensive. His old man sounded worried too and was telling him to stick to 70 when we were washing our cars. He basically drives that car at eleven tenths 100% of the time.

Hes a good sound lad and all but he is like your average early twenties "fast and the furious" obsessive who is used to driving maxed 1.2s etc and then is suddenly handed the keys to a 182. He wrote off his 1.3 Fiesta by losing control on a roundabout and slamming into the barrier. He never got a penny off the insurance as it had been modified and not declared.
Anyway, hopefully the cops will get him before the reaper does....

And more importantly lets hope he doesnt kill anyone else in the process. He may not be fussed about dieing but that doesnt give him the right to ruin the lives of others.

Sounds like a nutter!

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep

I shudder when I think of the way I used to drive everywhere. Its a shame it takes something major or several things sometimes to learn. For me I crashed, got banned for 6 months, got caught doing 94 in a 70 a year after getting my licence back and then promised my grandad when he was dying that I would calm down and have ever since. I regret not listening to everyone earlier but so glad I didnt seriously injury or kill anyone when i was a prize cosk for 3 years!

Oops maybe a bit off topic but hey ho!
  A well built VW

^ totally agree , i was one of the worst when i was younger (10yrs ago) and shudder when i think of some of the sh*t i did back then

thankfully thats long gone (3 bans 27 points and several near death experiences coupled with BIG fines did help) i suppose it just takes time for some idiots (me included back then) to learn and mature with age hopefully not killing or injuring anyone in the process

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep

f**king hell!! Thats why your 60 and still driving a 1.4 then Shaun? ;)

Toypop-how do you think yours compares to his? Is it just a bit too spartan for the cash?
  A well built VW

Quote: Originally posted by EvilJohn on 27 May 2005

f**king hell!! Thats why your 60 and still driving a 1.4 then Shaun? ;)
Mortgage , wife , child and sh*t job takes care of that mate

Sh*t do i really look that old

Sorry to go off topic lads
  Yaris Hybrid

Yeah we live in Bristol.

Those stripes on the front are what he just fitted in ten minutes last night. He has a 250 metre or something roll of the stuff and just quickly stuck those on to see what it was like. You will notice the stripes are only on the bonnet. It was just a test so they arent even straight or anything.

I actually quite like the Cup. It doesnt really seem that bare to be honest, I mean it still has more kit than my mates CTR. The seats in his seem more comfortable and supportive funnily enough.
