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Clio on barryboys

  6/468 17poo
Yeah tis off here but forgot his name, i think it looks wikid with the R5 arches, im sure hes put a turbo in the engine bay too, so what there saying bout a 1.2 is false, i think!!im quite positive this is a rapideo car aswell!!

  megane coupe F7R
People are too quick to judge on that site, bunch of w*****s. Its more worrying that somebody has actually stopped to take photo's of someone elses car so they car go home and take the piss on the net. They must lead great lives :rolleyes:
  Renault Clio 1.2 RT
It is from here, dunno who's tho :eek: I love the way that other forums seem to slate others cars.. they're goin on with themselves about the "big" exhaust..look at the profile pic on cabby :banghead:
  Renault Clio 1.2 RT
Come on lads, lets get 'em! i wonder how many cars on here are far better built and modified than they have on their forum...:rasp:
  ford orion rs turbo
f**king idiots that clio looks the dogs u can clearly see the intercooler through the mesh.they obviosly know nothing bout cars that website is well s**t.
  ford orion rs turbo
how can he talk he owns a s**t mr2 and says he whent to halfords for radweld his s**t car must b knackered ha ha ha ha ha dick!!!!
  Clio 1.4, SV650S
barryboys strike again. you won't win, so don't bother. they argue till you get bored. and you'll definately get bored before they do because you can't win. its a paradox.
  1.8 Civic EX
i wouldn't mind if they actually knew what they were talking about. The only time I look on barryboys is if someone from here posts a link up. it is always full of idiots that know very little about the car in question. it's got a bad boy bonnet so it must be cr*p, obviously!! fools!!

^^That was sarcasm by the way. i think the car is actually rather tasty...
  2002 Clio Dynamic
I'd like to know who put all the BB c***s up onto their pedistals to pass judgement on other peoples cars,when they themselves know almost feck all about them!!!!

Some of the stinkers on their are rotten though!!!
  A slow one :-(
Its not worth even bothering with Barry Boys. They obviously have such dull and borring lives they have nothing better to do than take the piss out of other peoples cars.

Immaturity at the highest level if you ask me!
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  2002 Clio Dynamic
Its even sad how they seem to have a go at other peoples cars and then move on to each other in the posts!!
  Saxo VTS
Was a big thread on RSC about this car. Owned by a lad called Jarvis. He was pretty pissed when he saw the thread on Barryboys.

I love it when a Valver turns up on Barryboys and they all mention the bonnet vent.

It's standard you w*****s :D
  172 cup TT
argh very frustrating.... if i saw some prick taking photos of my car AND then if i found out he actually called RAC to check stuff id bite his neck off
  172 cup TT
damn, further down on page one or something someone has posted up the rac report thing... ooh id be furious like an uncontrolable angry spastic
  Astra coupe
someone registered on there post a pic of of the engine bay
