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Clio TT in Bristol

didn't look very running, lol. It's having rather a lot or strenthening work done so it's bare

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Oh the uneducated.

f**king epic machine, shame the admin didnt like n0rms views on culture tbh.

Edit: ....Jesus. It is a bored out 1.8 from an Audi TT, that last ran 470 odd bhp.

Ooooo is that what it was then. Didn't know that :)

What happened to it? Because I remember it on here like 4 years back

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
No ideas of the power that think created, but I remember Matt and someone else stood on the turret mounts while it was on the rolling road in order to try and get the fronts to grip :cool:



ClioSport Club Member
Ah so it is at Redish. Though it was but the disco threw me..

Whats James doing to it? Might go up for a perv...
Yep, as sleeperish as you like. I miss Norms, he was quality (apart from some of his outbursts!).
  Clio 172, Pug 106
Thats crazy!!!

take it that a hell of a lot of work is needed to get teh tt lump in a clio!
  Nippy white cup
Awesome motor which I saw from its origins...although I think the BHP has been inflated a little over the years...sure I heard/read that with the setup it had it would be more like mid to high 300's realistically. Still an amazing motor although I liked it more in its original horrible orange std looking 1.2 guise
Awesome motor which I saw from its origins...although I think the BHP has been inflated a little over the years...sure I heard/read that with the setup it had it would be more like mid to high 300's realistically. Still an amazing motor although I liked it more in its original horrible orange std looking 1.2 guise

I know it was around 300 at one point, although at Rick Woods so probably optomistic, but it did have a massive turbo added along it's life. GT35 rings a bell, which makes over 400 quite realistic.


ClioSport Club Member
Yep I remember it in its ginger days..

His mate had that mental scirocco too
