Evening folks, hope you are well.
Erm... I'm not really sure there is much more I can add that hasn't already been said. But, you know me, I'll try...
Firstly, thanks to Team CSF for yet another great event. You really knocked it out of the park with this one. I love Anglesey as a place and a circuit so was both surprised and happy it was this years' venue... and hopefully will continue to be so for a good few years to come. My thanks to each and every one of the team, including Alfie and Stanners as well of course, who delivered well in excess of what their numbers suggested! Superb effort all round.
In addition, I think the Circuit and their staff were superb too - from the track, to catering, to admin. All very welcoming and accommodating in my experience. The cafe has always been one of the better ones in my experience and I'm glad to see that this is still the case. As for the circuit itself, it's the first time I've been around it as a passenger so it was great to be able to take in the views during the course of the day - and they were pretty spectacular thanks to the good fortune and change in weather on Saturday!
I can only echo what has already been said; this is a fantastic club and that is testament to its members and those that run it. I can't think of any other forum-based/borne club that has flourished, and continues to do so, like this one. So many good people (despite how bell-endish their online personas may seem!)

I took all my high-end camera gear with a view (fnar, fnar) to getting some photos of members on track this year... but I failed. Miserably. I wasn't really in the mood and wanted to spend the time amongst friends and in the passenger seats of anyone stup- kind enough to let me join them. As a result, I spent most of the day in and out of various cars and, when not on track, I spent every moment chatting with new and old faces alike. I would go ahead and mention them all but... well... we'd be here all night and I would no doubt forget one or tw- twelve people, too. That said, there are a few mentions I'd like to make.
@Filters and HighRow Motorsport for the laps in the Clio Cup Racer. That was awesome. Andy has long been a friend and "lemon meringue run" buddy of mine, and it was nice to be chauffeured around by him for a change!

Thanks mate!
Thanks to James (Stone Automotive) for a couple of sessions in the 172 Cup and the chat / catch-up.
Thanks to
@Sash - bestest hugs EVER! And lovely to chat with you for a wee while, too.
Thanks to
@MarkCup for the laps in the Cayman and, indeed, to the members of the Gentlemen's Club for allowing me to join them (for conversation and a throughly enjoyable session on the track!) Thanks chaps, pleasure to see you again (or for the first time) and to speak to you throughout the day.
As said, there are so many good people I spoke to on the day and I apologise for not mentioning you all; but thanks for taking time out to chat and/or take the pish. All good.
Finally, big thanks to
@Rojer for being a bro' and all round good egg. He's a gent and good friend who has been helping me through a bit of a rough time over the last 18 months or so! Great to see you as always mate and I hope Chris enjoyed the drive out in the GT4 (and MarkCup for that matter!)
The only real downer was realising I'd smashed one of my alloys when I cleaned the car when I got home (probably on one of the flooded back roads when travelling to/from the circuit). Hopefully it should repair ok as it certainly hasn't affected the handling. Oh, and the carbon bucket seat side bolster has also snapped off on the driver side so that will need fixing under warranty as well. I hope!
Roll on the next one.