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Cliosport Photography Challenge Round 2: "Yellow"

This is the first round of the competition proper after a very successful trial run, the subject is...



- Deadline: Wednesday 13th February 2008

- Post a maximum of 3 images at one time, you can come back with more pics if you have tried something different, but please stick to 3 pics max each time.

- You must flag one image as your entry, this will be placed into a new thread at the end of the alloted time for people to vote on. If you do not flag one image (i.e. just put "entry" above it) then the first image you posted will automatically be selected as your entry.

- Try to keep posted images to a max of around 800-1000px wide.

- No rules on photoshop use etc, but this is first and foremost a photography contest, not a photoshop contest.

- Winner chooses next subject

Easy as that, get cracking...
  1.8 Civic EX
something to get the yellow juices flowing...

more to come at some point..

My idea was simple enough, double yellow lines. Having only moved here in October I don't really know the area too well yet, so I went for a walk, 3 miles later I still didn't find a single set of double yellows anywhere!

Headed over to where the in-laws live on the other side of town in the end, immediately found what I was looking for...

My idea was simple enough, double yellow lines. Having only moved here in October I don't really know the area too well yet, so I went for a walk, 3 miles later I still didn't find a single set of double yellows anywhere!

Headed over to where the in-laws live on the other side of town in the end, immediately found what I was looking for...

Had the same idea but not managed to get out with the camera yet this weekend
  Clio II 1.4 Priveleg
Here are my 3 yellow entries.
Not very good, just snapped away!
Do you like the well stocked "BEER" fridge!





ClioSport Club Member
Some yellow i spotted whist out the other day. Nothing groundbreaking, but I like having to think about what i'm taking.




this is my entry

ive made them slightly whiter as i dont wanna look like a skank now do i...
please excuse the scruffiness! and ugliness

now... when do you announce i won?

this is just an intresting idea i had.

well someone had to do it didnt they.
Last edited by a moderator:
  A4 Avant
Here are mine. Messing around whilst DIY'n today. Just cropped and rotated.




First one is my comp entry.
Competition closed now, I will collate the entries and post up a poll (maybe tonight, although it is valentines day!), if we run that for a couple days the winner can then choose the next subject.
  Sold the sport :(
Heres my contribution, Le Mans Series race at Silverstone last sept



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