The clutch pedal in my 172cup seems to be falling apart. The metals jagged and deformed on the left side of the pedal so that is now scrapes and kind of catch's against the sole of my shoe as I step off the pedal.
Anybody else had this happen? or got any idea how I've managed to cause it?
On another note I've got a couple of other niggles:
1. Do clios melt in the sun? I'm experiencing the well documented falling apart thumb grip. Also a bit of the window seal on a door has stuck to the inside of the window, I assume after melting to it in the heat!
2. Some tosspot has nicked my aerial. Wheres the best place to get a replacement? Renault or elsewhere?
Anybody else had this happen? or got any idea how I've managed to cause it?
On another note I've got a couple of other niggles:
1. Do clios melt in the sun? I'm experiencing the well documented falling apart thumb grip. Also a bit of the window seal on a door has stuck to the inside of the window, I assume after melting to it in the heat!
2. Some tosspot has nicked my aerial. Wheres the best place to get a replacement? Renault or elsewhere?