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Colour Coding?

  2001 Clio 1.2
Right, i've decided to colour code my 2001 1.2 clio sport, im starting off with the side skirts, then might do the badge's after. But my main question is how would i go about doing this, anyone with some experience help me out a little, like with what to do and any colour suggestions? Cheers.

  White clique
what colour is your car now? Are you thinking of doing it yourself then?

colour coded badges never look good BTW.
  BlackGold 182
Sand them doing using wet and dry, then primer, sand, primer, sand, colour u want, sand, colour, sand then 3 coats of lacquer

That's how I normally do it anyways
  2001 Clio 1.2
Its silver, you can see it in my dp, and fair enough just getting some suggestions atm, but thanks.
  2001 Clio 1.2
Ah thank you, another thing what kind of paint would i ask for, lets say if i walked into halfords what would i be asking for?
