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CSF 2019 Picture Thread


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Was a bloody great weekend. The E63 performed great but the brakes were struggling (most sessions I come in and they were smoking like mad!) and the tyres were well past their best ? but they had to deal with 950ftlbs so I can’t expect miracles

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I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
@Scrooge The heat from your car after you had been on track was immense!

Some photos I took, just off my phone so nothing too special! @SharkyUK's GT4 was one of the highlights, shame it had someones car broken down in front of it! Should have got a trolley jack under it and wheeled it away!


@Dr Jekyll should have been on the podium of the show and shine aswell. His car was minter than mint! Real credit and just as good as in all the photos.
Shame some little scrote robbed your caps!


#1 was a very worthy winner though!


Couple more pictures from the day.


ClioSport Club Member
as I'm a tad lazy and I don't want to set anyones broadband on fire uploading loads of full res photos to here, I've uploaded to

it contains what I believe to be majority of the cars from the afternoon session, all the photos should be live at 21:30 and feel free to download from there :)

*Edit: Tell a lie, they're up now :)
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ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Its such a shame to post this but its already been done.
My main concern like almost everyone at CSF19 was to make sure driver and passenger walked away safely .

I believe they did and apart from being sore and bruised they are ok (correct me if im wrong) and I truly wish them both a very fast and speedy recovery and hope to see them back next year.

The car can be replaced and be forgotten about later in life while the other hand the driver and passenger would never be forgotten if anything bad had happened and im truly glad it never.Megane Crash 003.JPGMegane Crash 004.JPGMegane Crash 006.JPGMegane Crash 007.JPGMegane Crash 008.JPGMegane Crash 009.JPGMegane Crash 012.JPGMegane Crash 014.JPG
Megane Crash 017.JPG


ClioSport Club Member
I got this one of @Owen photobombing!! To be fair, he did sprint just as we was setting up and I caught him mid air! I actually like the picture!


And one of the pic we actually took after he left!


I took around 15 pics in total. I actually decided to not use my cameras a lot, even though it was in the boot and just walk around talking to people.


ClioSport Club Member
Its such a shame to post this but its already been done.
My main concern like almost everyone at CSF19 was to make sure driver and passenger walked away safely .

I believe they did and apart from being sore and bruised they are ok (correct me if im wrong) and I truly wish them both a very fast and speedy recovery and hope to see them back next year.

The car can be replaced and be forgotten about later in life while the other hand the driver and passenger would never be forgotten if anything bad had happened and im truly glad it never.

both are a little more sore today and probably will be for a few days/weeks but both are alive and walking around (best 90s robot impressions) and more importantly alive to tell the tale*

*(not strictly true, after the knock about the driver is hazy and the passenger remembers nowt)


ClioSport Club Member
Top mount could have sheared off by hitting gravel/grass understeering at 60mph+

Probably one of them ones where nobody actually finds out the real truth but all that matters is that nobody got seriously hurt
  172 Cup Jenvey'd
Just an FYI, Nothing failed on the Megane, Was simply a little too fast/wide on corner entry which then meant the car went on the slippy gravel, went sideways onto the grass and hit the embankment square on which snapped the front suspension, shifted the axle across 8 inches and flung the car up the air, flipped over and then landed on its roof, I'm the guy who was in the little Civic EG going around and stopped to pull them out of the wreckage before the the Marshalls and paramedics took over.

As Adey said, Both are ok, just Bruised up and very sore, Thankfully the Mk3 Meganes are built well!


ClioSport Club Member
Its such a shame to post this but its already been done.
My main concern like almost everyone at CSF19 was to make sure driver and passenger walked away safely .

I believe they did and apart from being sore and bruised they are ok (correct me if im wrong) and I truly wish them both a very fast and speedy recovery and hope to see them back next year.

The car can be replaced and be forgotten about later in life while the other hand the driver and passenger would never be forgotten if anything bad had happened and im truly glad it never.View attachment 1425405View attachment 1425406View attachment 1425407View attachment 1425408View attachment 1425409View attachment 1425410View attachment 1425411View attachment 1425412
View attachment 1425414
Well said sir. Its a stark reminder of the dangers that are present. It's good to hear the guys are doing well.
