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CSS 2015.

  Phase 2 Clio 172
Yeah can meet Travelodge side. Getting slightly paranoid about my less than perfect 172 haha. I've only owned it 3 weeks and there is still plenty to sort out!
  mk1 Octavia VRS
Yeah can meet Travelodge side. Getting slightly paranoid about my less than perfect 172 haha. I've only owned it 3 weeks and there is still plenty to sort out!
It's French - there's always stuff to sort out!

I think I see what Owen means after looking at the Google earth of the services. I'm sure a Clio V6 will be easy to spot anyway - hardly the most subtle looking car [emoji2]
  Clio with a body kit
I washed it last weekend but that was where it stopped. I'm going to have half hour tomorrow morning trying to make it look better. See you all in the morning.


ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo C30
See you all in the morning. Is the traveldoge being mentioned at Peterborough or the next stop?

I'll be in an Mx5 by the way so keep an eye out.


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry @texastornado I think that'll be too early for me and my passenger ( @shaun442k )

If we leave p'boro services at 8:45 we'll be going past Colsterworth about 9:10 - if other people don't mind we could meet you at the Esso that is on that junction? Blyton is then about an hour from Colsterworth so should be there by 10:15.

Let's go with 2 lists:
Early list - P'boro services 8:00. Arrive at Blyton ~9:30
1. texastornado

Slightly later list - breakfast at p'boro services 8:30-8:45. Arrive at Blyton ~10:15
1. 172_Tom + shaun442k
2. TheRuttinChain

@TheRuttinChain - added you to the later list as you said a slightly later departute + breakfast suits you better
@Euan94 @V6Dan - let us know which group/time you'd prefer
Looking forward to this now - my first CSS and it sounds like it'll be a great weekend. :cool:

Tom i'll be arriving at Peteborough services between 8-8:30


ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo C30
Oh dear... Is it completely dead? Any ideas what's up

I'm here now by the way. I'm parked behind the caravans
  Phase 2 Clio 172
It's blazing sun in my town right now so that's one thing. I got blind drunk at a gig I was invited to at the last minute instead. Salvaged something from the weekend. Hoping to meet you guys at a local meet soon or something!
Roll on CSS 2016!
