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Cup Decat

  Nippy white cup

Im after a nice exhaust system, with decat for my Cup. Any ideas where Im best going for it and how much itll be.

Spoke to K-tec but there doing tests on a racing cat at the mo which is going to be about £250!




ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Its a bit of pipe.

Any good custom exhaust maker shhould be able to sort you out
  Nippy white cup

cool thanks guys. If I just use a bit of pipe, will it effect anything to do with the sensors(lambda). If Not then its no prob


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Chris, youll need to get a de-cat made up that allows the sensors to be screwed into it, so theyre still in the system.

Not seen anyone doing a mk2 de-cat yet though?!


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 19 September 2003

Didnt someone post something about a low pressure cat which K-Tec are working on? Sounds ideal for me if they are. Is that the one you were refering to Chris or is that a full decat?
Yeah, K-Tec are developing a "sports cat" which is basically a free-flow low cell count item that will apparently gives gains of 65-8bhp whilst still being fully road legal, will pass an MOT & works fine on twin lambda cars.

Gonna be £250-£300 according to the website and now overdue...

Id be keen on one of these!
  Nippy white cup

65 - 8 BHP...thats quite a range m8! lol

If I was to get a cat back, would I be able to get the Ktec sports cat fitted on after?

Soz for the dumb questions but not really up on the whole cat situation, just want something to improve me car for York


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d


65 - 8 BHP...thats quite a range m8! lol
You know what I meant! :oops:


If I was to get a cat back, would I be able to get the Ktec sports cat fitted on after?


Soz for the dumb questions but not really up on the whole cat situation, just want something to improve me car for York
The quest for power... ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

New dumb question but does a de-cat (mk1 Clio) bolt on or does it have to be welded into place?

I.e could I do it come M.O.T day?
