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Dannys Red Ph1

  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Hi this forum is about my first car a cherry red Clio Mk2 Ph2, Since i have also owned a 1.1 blue 106 and a 1.8 Astra SRI but wouldn't sell the Clio
I brought the car 100miles away back in December 2011 when passing my test and have loved the car ever since paid £995 and faultless until this year
My aim has always been to make it look smart and tidy

Picture after putting down the deposit (Excuse the poor pictures to come from past)


A week later i collected the car, during that time they put a brand new battery on because it failed to start and replaced the hazard switch, Few days latter while wanting to leave for college the car wouldn't start due to a flat battery, which i quickly tracked down due to the boot light being permanently on which i discovered was due to a broken drive door sensor which was quickly replaced, i then checked and correct the Anti freeze concentration replaced the wiper blades all around and hardly spent anything on the car due to being at college.

During this time i unburied my mum Clio floor mats from a clio brought back in 2003 and sold for a 206 cc and upgraded the head unit so i had USB and functional steering wheel controls

After a little wash



Tiny 1.2 but do love the fuel economy

Then a few months latter after scrolling ebay i drove 200 miles there and back to collect a flame red spoiler which smartened the car up nicely but not over the top, not an perfect match because mine is cherry red but worth the £20 with a nicer light bar fitted


During the time i also replaced the numberplate screws
Next post will be a further update from 2012
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ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Re: Dannys Red Ph2

That looks clean as a whistle mate. Engine bay looks new :). Welcome to the forum
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Further progress on my Clio consist of new wiper blades all around, New Avon tyers all around, New drive shafts and ball joints, to be honest the drive shafts probably had alot more life left in them and a new exhaust mount which is already worn out and of course a service

I had the drive shafts fitted just before an mot, i take my cars to harvest drive with only do testing and no repairs so you know its a honest test and this is when they informed me the cv joint i had fitted the day before wasn't fitted correctly

I also replaced the boring original interior door handles with snazzy chrome ones, little comparison i found on my pc


Then the next update was to fit ph2 lights which i think smartened the rear end up nicely especially with the newer spoiler

Then of course the next step was to get my wing mirror covers colour coded

During this time i also replaced the long bit of interior boot trim which had a crack on it, spare wheel yellow screw to hold the kit in place which i accidentally snapped, removed slightly peeling safety stickers on visors and bought a dimmer switch which bizarrely has a differently plug fitting to my car when they seem to be the same connector for other people
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Owning my Clio has been a mostly cheap hassle free experience with the regular maintenance like tyers ect, then lately i had two jobs done at once, very importantly the cam belt which once changed they informed me that it was in very poor condition which was worrying and not long latter after this my clutch started slipping, deep joy.

I booked it in for a new clutch and while they done this they also stripped down the gearbox to replace a seal which was apparently leaking oil onto the clutch, hence why i could smell gearbox oil as well a little bit, 500 miles latter while reversing the gearbox clunked and locked up and upon abit of wiggling with the gear knob it freed its self after a few mins very bizarre i wondered if maybe i jammed the selector fork and thought not much of it, then 700miles latter same issue occurred and would not free its self which is very strange how my seeming perfect gearbox has developed issues after being stripped down. I contacted the garage which done the work and present day 2 and a half weeks latter nearly they have the car at the facility and seem to want to put right whats wrong but haven't started he job, probably due to there expense while they can be making more money doing other jobs

During this time i have been driving an Astra SRI which was my dads who passed away and my mum has inherited it, its a lovely car which ive took care of for many years since middle school and since my mum has also got a Nissan qashqai not having my clio hasn't been much of an issue

until disaster


A woman driving very wide hit the side of me, while i was parking, i was vertically stationary and she was traveling at i believe around 25mph, the damage is very minimal and easily repairable new wing new door and pull out bottom hinge of course they will need painting and second hand parts would be cheaper but insurance want to write it off as a total loss, and since this was my dads car who passed away last year at a young age due to cancer this is the last thing we want

Back to my Clio ive got further updated planned if the garage ever gets around to fixing it which are of course stickers, nicer exhaust tip, sport interior, nicer Ariel, and mk2 ph1 original alloys painted in a light grey and to collect my skoda splitter i ordered over a week ago, very surprised they haven't contacted me yet though
  A4 DTM/iceberg cup
You can request that the Astra not be written off by using second hand parts to keep costs to minimum. Depends how friendly the assessor and repair center are, my mrs works for one and they've done it a couple of times, might be worth a quiet word. On the flip side they both look tidy as mentioned above. Keep them clean and sensible, you won't go far wrong.
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
So Christmas and my Birthday have both been and gone for another year, and got a few Clio related presents, looks like a detailing session is in order as well as a trip to Halfrauds with a nice £70 total of vouchers (£50 from my nan:D)


My current main plans for the car other than a good detail are another full service, some original re-ferbed Clio alloys (light grey), Renault sport seats and ph2 side strips with the smooth painted bullets.
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
So yesterday i drove down to Northamptonshire in the astra and picked up these, one of them im not happy with the condition but may try finding another and keep it as the spare although i would like to get them refurbished in a different colour anyway


saw two 172's and one 182 while driving didn't see any Clio sport stickers on them though

And today i come home to find my cliosport membership pack has arrived



ClioSport Moderator
Awesome! Same as my first ever motor. Even down to the engine.

I fitted a proper bad-man induction kit to that little lump, removing the 180 degree bend, and fitting a 90 going towards the front, then an open cone filter, it really made quite some noise!

It looks like you've learn far quicker than I, I went a bit mental with it and full sport interior, ph2 rear bumper, colour coded spoiler, dual optic headlights, fog lights, ph2 16 inch 172 wheels, all sorts.

Funnily enough my clutch went too, so did my cambelt, and my head gasket (I wasn't lucky) LOL!
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Looks good with the mods but I dont think those wheels suit ph1's like all the other mods tho I wanna keep mine sensible and not over the top like people do with there first cars why ive gone for those alloys like mine often come with and I do want a sport half leather interior how did you hook up the fogs to work which you mentioned?


ClioSport Moderator
I agree with you mate, I had the car a very long time so it just progressed progressed and progressed.

I hard wired the fogs actually. Got the connecting loom, run a fused feed from the battery, to switch I fitted on the headlight height adjustment panel (just a little red switch) and then run that down to the fogs. Proper pikey, but it worked.

I even fitted the chrome ph2 handles you did, good times.
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
those chrome handles were differently worth the little money they cost me yh i thought of rigging up fogs like that but im not sure that i would like the idea so probably never will, still trying to find a headlight height adjustment panel with the correct dimmer switch mine has a plug for the dimmer switch and some people can plug them into one from another model and it works so brought one from scrappy and found the connection on mine is different, Ive had my baby over two years now
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Just a little update been quite busy so haven't had chance to post much although ive been looking through the forums on my phone.

My little Clio seems to be going well planning on getting the alloys refurbished and fitted soon (Declared on insurance at no extra cost ready for fitting)

I also plan on going to CSS with my girlfriend although i probably wont know anyone there so wouldnt mind going to a local meet to get to know some of you guys

The astra also has been fixed, the lines arent 100% perfect but got it done cheaper than expected so that'll be why, i brought second hand door wind and side skirt from a decent nearby scrap yard in pretty good condition, no dents couple of minor scratches on wing which isnt bad going and the colour match is near enough perfect which i was very lucky and pleased about and also brought some new headlights off ebay because ive already polished the faded ones up once and didnt want to be doing it agian.

Ill include some pictures at a latter date when i get chance if anyone's interested


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yeah stick some pics up mate :). A friendly bunch on here so I'm sure you will get to know a few peeps at css
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Well its been a long while so time for a small update and a couple of pictures, excuse the dirt these were taken before the clio got a good bath and polish and haven't had time to do that quite as much as id like to have lately

To kick things off i fitted my tax disk holder quite awhile ago then removed the Renault elf sticker(no picture) and added my lovely sticker although i wish i had done it slightly higher, although ive found the pigeons dont think as highly of it.




I also got treated to a nice new numberplate light my mate got for me from Renault which i was planning on buying eventually, its surprising how much more light gets let through aswell!


Then behind the fan speed control the light bold blew and had the dreaded issue of changing it:dapprove: I looked up on here how people have done it and tried a completely different method which i thought of, this is because after repeatably taken half a dash and center console out of 106's for multiple issues and the astra center console i wanted it to be quick and simple.
I started off by removing all the trim around the gear knob to gain extra access, removing the astray unplugging central locking, hazards, cig lighter then lifting the trim out, stuck my head in the passenger foot-well and changed the light bulb with a decent pair of tweezers and then put the trim back together which didnt take long at all.


I also brought another alloy so ive got a spare one for the boot and cleaned them up and they mostly came up lovely


Then i got a call from my mate about a month ago saying he'd been hit since he lives just around the corner i quickly went around there took pictures ect, basically a boy in a 206 pulled out of an alley way quite quick i presume hitting the side of my mate who was already on the road spinning him around and up the kerb sideways causing a fair amount of damage, this is how it ended up he reversed it a tinny bit to get out the door but as he spun around u can see the bin which was also clipped.


He got his payout and the guy admitted fault and he then asked me to go check over a car he had seen, turned out to be in rather good condition and appeared to be well looked after just a little grubby in some areas but ive sorted that out, now my car has a younger brother :D


  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
So been awhile but to some it up its had mist washer jet updtade a cambelt full service and been in the paint shop minor rust rare arch bubble repaired full colour coding including door handles ect now just want spray shacks custom bullets and considering dewipering and a smooth blank heres dome comparison pics


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  phase 1 flamer 172
Nice, really like phase 1,s in red without the sport body kit, although personally I prefer the bumpers black as in the earlier shots.
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Thanks ive only seen a few ph1 non sports still in good condition in my area since its getting old
The bumpers with all the trim jell on bringing them back to black were oki but sun soon faded them and got feed up of keeping them black lol
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Just had front splitter fitted without it the car looked abit bare in person finishes the front off nicely in my opinion
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Apologies its been quite awhile since the last update but since then i bought a K-tec racing stainless steel cat back exhaust system, this is the super sport version i believe they call it which has a straight through pipe instead of a center silencer and then a better flowing rear silencer. I am very happy with the look of this system and the sound it developed im not sure how much difference there is in weight wishing i had weighed it comparing it to the standard system however it does create a nice sound, its not to loud and over the top which i was wanting to avoid but still at the same time sound decent.
This is a small video my friend took of it for me.

One note i will make for anyone fitting this system on the mountings on the exhaust there is hollow threaded center to allow a washer and a screw/nut after putting it in the cars rubber brackets even though it didn't come supplied with the washers or nuts i recommend fitting some to stop it sliding out of the rubber exhaust hangers which i found happened slightly on the rear bracket which caused it to land on the metal part of the bracket luckily.
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