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dash taking out

  clio sport 172
ok ive asked before but jsut to check , how to do it , so its a screw behind the slive bit on drive side , and 3 screws behit the silver bit about the glove box , and 2 screws by the steering whell cover , and then 1 screw either side up by the a piller under the door rubbers, and then dose it jsut lift off and pull out, ????? :dapprove:
Theirs 5 I think behind the silver bits, 1 in each side when you open the door, 3 where the heater vents are and you will have to remove the A pillar trim to remove it. Not sure you need to take any screws out by the steering wheel iirc these are for the instrument panel.
  V70 d5 beast
like he said ^^^ but when you try and get it out you have to push it up on the passengers side as the airbag gets caught on the dash and then the dash doesn't wanna go back in propperly next time lol i've made that mistake before
