Hey guys, after impatiently waiting on garage after garage to tell me they're too busy, I fitted a decat myself. I couldn't release the lambda sensor from the cat so left it off the vehicle. For some reason, my economy fluctuates a lot more then usual. It was as low as 9mpg tonight. My rationale is that it is compensating for the lack of sensory information so is just throwing fuel into the cylinders. But I'm no mechanic.
Also, it is chuffing a lot from the joint between the decat and the manifold and there has to be a gap there. How can I remedy this without cementing it together making it impossible to get off?
At the moment I am thinking about getting a new manifold to just seal it off legitimately. Would anyone reccomend a particular manifold? It's a 2005 Clio 182 cup.
Also, it is chuffing a lot from the joint between the decat and the manifold and there has to be a gap there. How can I remedy this without cementing it together making it impossible to get off?
At the moment I am thinking about getting a new manifold to just seal it off legitimately. Would anyone reccomend a particular manifold? It's a 2005 Clio 182 cup.