PC gaming has always fascinated me but I tried it once and couldn't get on with using a keyboard and mouse. Do you get used to it? Do many people use controllers?
Yes ive had a ps3 and xbox 360 controller hooked up before, works very well providing your running the right drivers. Windows 10 now supports the Xbox One controller too i think. Although it is fround upon on certain games.
What bit is the nvidia 950 on? Would I be able to use a TV? Also would it be good for storing photos etc on it and use for general stuff also? Sorry for the complete noob questions I'm old haha
Its the graphics card so will have either a VGA, DVI or HDMI or a combination of all of them so yes very easy to hook upto a TV. In fact ive just hooked my PC upto my 47" LED tv and looks perfect! just which i had gone 4k on the TV so it would look even better.
Photo's and general use would be perfect on that PC, however with just 1TB of storage you wouldnt want to be storing loads of films.
Again in the future you could add a decent size SSD for your OS and game installs etc then use the 1tb drive as file storage.