Hi all i have recently been doing a track project, (clio sport conversion to non sport)
engine is in and running as video shows on though more things to sort out before my showing at rockingham on the 22nd of this month.
right the weekend the cars going in for cambelt change and water pump e.x
as i think i need to order a new dephaser pully 2day aswell.
will a dephaser pully sort out my problem,
hope someone can help thanks.
first of started the car when it was Cold.
Car slowly getting up to temperature. things start to change.
engine all up to temperature (MY DIESEL)
engine is in and running as video shows on though more things to sort out before my showing at rockingham on the 22nd of this month.
right the weekend the cars going in for cambelt change and water pump e.x
as i think i need to order a new dephaser pully 2day aswell.
will a dephaser pully sort out my problem,
hope someone can help thanks.
first of started the car when it was Cold.
Car slowly getting up to temperature. things start to change.
engine all up to temperature (MY DIESEL)