Ive been on 2 different rolling roads recently after having 2 differnet jobs done on my car and have had some very different readings...
basically i had some head work done (skimmed, gas flowed and ports polished) and had my cams reprofiled to mild fast road spec. The readings i got back where 111 bhp before and 133 bhp after.
Then a week later i had a unichip fitted and tuned and the readings came back at 103bhp before and 112bhp after.
Studyiing the readouts i notied that the maximum speed during test and maximum speed in gear during test where very different, knowing my car and what it can realistically do in each gear i can only conclude that the first rolling road (head + cam work) used 2nd gear to do the test and the unichip one used 3rd. Doed this effect the bhp output depending what gear is used and if so can i assume that i just look at the increases and add them together to get a more accurate bhp figure of what i am running after these 2 new mods?