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DIY on a Clio......

  172, Tiguan

How easy is it to change the front pads on my 1.5 Dci 60bhp??

Ive changed pads before on other cars, but what is involved/how do i do it on the Clio.

Id rather do it myself than get the idiots down at reno to do it.

Im selling the car in a few days to a mate and giving it to him with bugger all pads left isnt really fair!! I started to hear a grinding noise braking from over 100 last night.:devilish:

Thanks Guys

should be fairly easy. just go too a tyre/brake outlet at a real quiet time in the week. get a quote and say you might be able to get it done cheaper elseware. if their quiet they will prob do it for cheaper as theyve nothing else to do.

with brakes they will always do a good job cos if it gos wrong they be up the swanny big time if anything went wrong when you were driving. :)

have done em on a few cars now, never anything particularly difficult about them, id do them myself (but then im a tight git)
