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dodgy noise

  172 phase 1
there a noise cumming from my 172 sport is like a whinng noise but it dosent change or go quiter if i turn the steering wheel

what could it b??
  L'arctic Bleu Clio 182FF
Have you had the bonnet up and tried to ascertain exactly where the noise is coming from?...
  RARE Unmolested Corsa sxi
need more info!

Does it do it when moving or stationary?

If its when moving, take it out of gear and see if the noise is still there.

If so, then it will likely be a wheel bearing.
  172 phase 1
does it when u start it up like its cumming from alternator arera and still does it when u drive on in gear or ot of gear tried spreying wd4o on the belt but nojoy

  172 FF
it could one of many things, i.e. steering fluid pump (check fluid level), a gearbox or alternator bearing, or a belt rubbing somewhere.
If it's a belt it probably needs checking pronto. You don't want one of them snapping when you driving it.


Have a similar problem on my car occur recently. Although if i turn the wheel when its happening it tends to go. Noticed it at all speeds, checked all windows / sunroof. Any ideas?
